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Everything posted by Wubster100

  1. I don’t know of any Edge specific spreadsheets. There are some databases on Cyan Labs but they too are also based on the F-150. You will have to figure out the AsBuilt values manually.
  2. You need to compare the AsBuilt data from an Edge with and without glare free. The AsBuilt may not be the same as the F-150 because they are different vehicles. In this case, you would need to look at Canadian and EU Edges.
  3. The radar is service part number JX7Z-9E731-E, the bracket is service part number KT4Z-14C022-AA, and the wire connector is WPT-1198. The engineering part numbers are labeled on the part itself and may be different. The radar and mount is the same for all 2019-2024 Edge. The CCM is usually listed as something like "distance sensor", "radar sensor", and "cruise control module".
  4. I kept checking eBay until I found a used CCM with a broken bracket for $100. It came off of another Ford Edge. I wouldn't recommend trying to get a CCM from a different Ford than the Edge because it may require a firmware update to be compatible. I would like to write a guide, share FORScan changes, and share the parts I used.
  5. A how-to guide would be amazing! The only hardware I purchased was a used CCM, the CCM wire connector, and some glue to fix the broken mount because it was used.
  6. I started to undo the PCM back to factory valves. ACC is still working and the liftgate DTC is gone. No changes are required in the PCM.
  7. I wonder if it is possible to decode the LIN bus to be able to add any LEDs we want.
  8. SUCCESS! SUCCESS! 😁 Once again, outstanding help from @Haz and @johnmarkp. I finally got my CCM installed. I had to run about 4 3ft wires from the CCM to the lower bumper where all of the wire plugs are. I did not have any threads on the metal bumper, so I had to use 2 self-tapping screws. I got my CCM used, so the mount that holds it in place was broken. I 3D printed a thin rectangle of plastic to fix it. I used epoxy resin glue to attach the plastic to the broken CCM mount. The CCM is held in place securely. I did not change the lower front bumper. I kept running into DTCs because I couldn’t get the AsBuilt right. The main issue was that the ABS module does not support ACC with stop and go. Therefore, all other modules must be set to ACC down to ~12mph, rather than stop and go ACC. I had to play around with different AsBuilt values inside of the IPMA to get it to work. I had to recalibrate the IPMA. It only took about 5 minutes of driving above 40mph for the IPMA to calibrate. I couldn’t believe my eyes when the adaptive cruise control started working. The first vehicle that I tested it on was a Ford Explorer. ACC locked onto the Explorer, and it was able to brake well. It even worked up and down hills with sharp turns. Pre-collision assist seems to still be working. I am unsure if the system is able to use the radar, or if it is still in camera only mode. There is still some fine tuning to be done. My reverse camera grid changed to an older style, I kind of like it better. It now has 2 white lines that move. The CCM is unprotected, which could lead to it easily being damaged. I did not level my CCM very well. I did not calibrate my CCM at all, it is still using the calibration from whatever Edge it came from. I don’t have any distance indicators on the IPC when adaptive cruise control is off. I did not change my steering wheel switch, so I am stuck at the default level 3. I have a PCM DTC for lost communication with the liftgate module. I need to change PCM AsBuilt because it thinks I have a power liftgate. Because stop and go is not available without a new ABS ECU, that also means lane centering will not work. ACC is working! 🎉😄🚗💻🎊🎈
  9. I was changing the AsBuilt in the IPMA and other modules. The IPMA’s AsBuilt was incorrect. I have been comparing AsBuilt from other Edges. I have been finding VINs with both the convenience package and the CoPilot360 Assist+ package, but none with only Assist+.
  10. I am getting close, but I have an IPMA DTC that I can’t seem to figure out. U2101:64-AF. It used to be U2300 but I changed something.
  11. I just removed my bumper and I only have 1 horn mounted. It looks like there is a bracket for a second note horn. Just remove the driver's side headlight and you can access the horn.
  12. The best way to update firmware is using FDRS because some things require firmware to be updated in specific orders and it is difficult to know if firmware will be compatible. Here is how to update firmware: https://forscan.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=18751
  13. As shown in the wiring diagrams, all of the connectors are in the front on the driver's side area. There are 2 big main connectors. You need to unplug 4 connectors to remove the front grill: horn, 2 big connectors, and there is a smaller connector that runs up to the center for the hood switch and an air temperature sensor. I have confirmed with a tone generator that I have 2 network wires going down to the bumper. I will have to look back at the wiring diagrams to confirm power from DCDC booster and verify with a multimeter. It looks like I will run about 3ft of wire from the radar to the driver's side area where all of the wiring is. Soon I will remove my bumper a second time to hopefully mount and wire the radar.
  14. The radar in ACC requires a smooth surface rather than open grill slats to ensure optimal signal transmission and reception. A smooth surface allows radar waves to pass through unobstructed, minimizing any distortion or scattering that could occur with slats. Grill slats can cause diffraction and partial reflection of the radar signals, leading to inaccuracies in detecting the distance, speed, and position of vehicles and obstacles ahead. These inaccuracies can compromise the functionality and safety of the ACC system, potentially leading to slower response times or even failure to detect objects correctly. A smooth, radar-transparent surface ensures the radar is protected and can operate with maximum efficiency and accuracy.
  15. An update to my progress, I finally removed my front grill. The active shutters will not be a problem. The plastic piece in the lower part of the active shutters pops right off to install a radar. I have the mounting points to install the radar, I have attached a photo of the holes. The lower grill might interfere with the radar because of its open slats. I will have to cut the center of the lower grill and install a flat piece of plastic to protect the radar.
  16. Mine is behind on updates and I think the only solution is to manually update all modules software using FDRS.
  17. I have the shutters that are in the second photo with the Tasca watermark. The first photo are shutters for ACC vehicles. I will try to remove the piece of plastic in the center of the lower shutters that is in the way of the CCM. I think the only purpose of a new lower grill is to provide protection for the CCM. Hopefully I can get a signal to the IPMA through one of the connectors in the engine bay. If not, I might have to splice into the IPMA inside and run a wire out the door and under the hood to test LOL. I have attached a photo of the front grill removed (not mine). You can see the CCM installed right inside of the active shutters and the lower grill removed.
  18. There is another problem. The active grill shutters might get in the way of the radar. Once I remove my front grill, I will know.
  19. I popped the IPMA cover off and luckily I have the 2 radar wires. I lifted it off with my hands on the part that is closest to the front. There are 4 clips as shown in the WSM. Hopefully the wires will continue down through all of the other connectors and into the bumper. I have tried to research all of the Ford forums that mention retrofitting ACC. I ordered a CCM and wire connector, they should be arriving soon. When they arrive I will try to install the radar and play around to see if I can get anything to work without replacing the ABS or SCCM. If we are able to replace the ABS module with FORScan, that would be nice. Do you have any information on the lower grill? What do we need it for? Edit: It looks like there is a cover in the center. What is the purpose of the cover? I wonder if the cover can be replicated by attaching a piece of plastic to the lower bumper? Edit: I would assume that we would just need plastic to cover the area so that no debris can hit the radar.
  20. It seems that 2018 F-150 owners were having a FORScan issue programming ABS. This was a few years ago, so I am going to assume that the FORScan team has figured out the problem by now. Additionally, Fusion owners were able to replace their ABS module and get stop and go to work with FORScan. Comparing photos of the Edge and Fusion ABS modules, they look almost identical. I will have to try and find out for certain. If not, I will have to get a 2 day Motorcraft license.
  21. I will be using FORScan to program the features and calibrate the new radar. I will most likely not do any firmware updates, as my lane keep assist has been doing a good job at recognizing markings. I have not calculated selling and purchasing another Edge with Stop and Go ACC. I plan on keeping my 2021 SEL until it does not make financial sense to repair. Hopefully it can last to 200k miles. I don’t want to go through a hassle of buying and selling vehicles. So far, I have been able to use FORScan to install puddle lights and OEM remote start. I drilled holes into my mirrors, installed cheap LEDs, wired the lights as if they were OEM, and enabled them using FORScan. I replaced my RTM and got a 5 button key fob (300mhz to 900mhz). For this ACC project, I will be sourcing used parts to save on cost. I will not be following the programmable parameters in SSM 51055. Instead, I will be installing ACC (along with lane centering, stop and go, evasive steering assist, upgraded AEB (IPMA + CCM as opposed to IPMA only), and I might even try speed sign recognition) as if it came from the factory. I can’t think of any other problems that I might run into. Hopefully everything will work. Once again, thanks for all of the helpful documentation.
  22. Thank you for all of the information. It has been extremely helpful. From my research, (all non-hybrid) Escape, Bronco, and Maverick owners that tried to retrofit stop and go seemed to be reporting somewhat limited brake performance because they did not have an electric brake booster. This is great news, as it is one less part we need for ACC stop and go! I wonder why those other Fords needed electric brake boosters for better braking performance, but the Edge does not? With this new information, I don't see any more challenges in the way, and I believe that I have all of the information necessary to install ACC stop and go. I will start ordering parts and see what happens!!
  23. I have read somewhere that IPMA firmware upgrades have helped the camera follow lane markings better, and avoid tar stripes.
  24. Does the 2019-2024 Edge with ACC stop and go use an electronic brake booster or a vacuum brake booster? I tried to look though my WSM and library resources, but I couldn’t find anything about an electronic brake booster. My hypothesis is that an Edge with stop and go ACC will have an electronic break booster, while an Edge without ACC will have a vacuum break booster.
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