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About Musketeer

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  1. S&B intake system $350 has come out with an option for us, outside of the afe intake that I use https://sbfilters.com/products/cold-air-intake-for-2019-2023-ford-edge-st-lincoln-nautilus-27l
  2. I bought the truck during covid from an out of state subaru dealer with a mediocore warranty. But it was enough to get the oil pan done and replace my front camera and wire harness. warranty company sent me to bmw dealer who did the pan and sent it to ford for the harness. took them 4 months to do. oil pan leaked within a year from that ?
  3. From what I've read over the years they were trying to swap the metal pan from the 3.5l and it's a no go. These pans are specifically for the 2.7t. I am just now finding them online but have periodically searched and never seen any. Now they are all over ebay. I wonder if overseas the 2.7 is finally getting some love. On aliexpress that's a mkx w/2.7 being used. I have the same vehicle
  4. One of everyone's big complaint was that because they used a plastic pan. The block and pan had different thermal expansion, which contributed to the leaking problem. The solution many have been doing before is making there own gasket between the pan and block. Sandwich with rtv https://www.ebay.com/itm/224464515504?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SvoaLbYSQcm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=5Xg0FXR1SMm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  5. aliexpress is horrible on desktop. try mobile instead if it does not show up https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1101579396?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_saleItems.pcShopHead_6000362899763.0
  6. I am plagued with the dreaded oil leak. I have the ebay gasket waiting to be put on a new oil pan. I came across these alumnium oil pan on ali express and ebay. Has anyone seen or used these products? https://www.aliexpress.com/i/3256801712267930.html?gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt https://www.ebay.com/itm/165955245815?hash=item26a3b416f7:g:UdYAAOSwn8BkhrPH&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4G7hAjNbZX5VB7p6kXLDTENFu%2Fwl47BZC2VT3TR6n6hCpR0AzwI7nUzfUO%2BZ2VEWe5GPl06FoEQiAa5N4S4ffuzzNeqZRo1b5%2BrkQn9R8vixYXAGZ%2F8k%2BlZHS%2FcTO7x7XYC3QFNQ8OyDgnbJCaFQKQVSrnyeO68sT7pFidImFpKISmdRdEd6%2F%2B2esQfxuUobmJ95%2BT5j9HMchLY9RbQScvmyWqEf8vfdIwTuW2K4HlRG9KxXzxqzMK1Jh2nzNk6cFtz5QvyxNO1RMk6bo1T7TURiFWASzTG95rbSo5vS9GAk|tkp%3ABFBMrvjNhMBi https://www.ebay.com/itm/125814640685?hash=item1d4b23102d:g:9zMAAOSw-QlkgaFG&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8NGWf3oFXW%2BADMsTd%2FWh4IKN0lKJQB0bbeur3tsniDNspBY%2BFdcriFlQVsFKun9kCJaGX6ZrAQrcKfbr8nbNOEmmFO7pkUTxDiuP0znzUcVR2JEaCEo5sZOd%2FbGJsKffBW6vFayWpAyM%2B96e40DYKG2Etfxx8EZzSTf3ZpfVla%2Fhcx69u9qwvtQGLdYsaLSgrssyg4RPI51RtwdKKwIkxqGfyiTUKPYUnOverYKvHERWGkD2MSUCW7HojBpvHlE0QortumxnFucUJVLBdGiAqfK4Qg75xBXVXneNMEBpCBqICj6Hu4Nu4eEs3HHPnxXZkw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR96DhIXAYg
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