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Everything posted by DDpowell

  1. My 2011 does the same thing. I have to put it in park at stop lights.
  2. The door is definitely always completely closed. It’s concerning why my interior and parking lights randomly turn on though. would a bad BCM cause these issues along with the car not starting?
  3. HELP!! My 2011 Edge has a serious battery issue. It’s my only vehicle and it’s dead. Throughout the day and night the light’s intermittently turn in with nobody in the vehicle.or near it. The battery saver has been coming on the screen at times. I leave nothing plugged in and make sure everything is off. When I use my fob to lock and secure it the alarm beeps twice because it says door ajar all the time. The dome lights stay on. I’ve taken all the bulbs out to keep it from being lite up. The parking lights stay on too. So now my battery is dead, I can jump it and it starts. But then when I turn it off and go to start it later it’s clicking, everything inside is flashing…I replaced the 926-014 battery fuse and that didn’t do anything. Autozone checked battery p, alternator and starter all are good…help
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