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  1. Hi folks. I've gotten to where I just don't need my big arse F-250 anymore. My 5th wheel is gone, and while I love the truck, it's just too much. So I'm going to be trading it in on a probably Ford Explorer. I'm looking at a couple of 2023's, relatively low mileage, one owner, and Ford Gold Certified. And of course they want to sell me the Gold Certified Protection Plan, 7 year, 100,000 mile Comprehensive Limited Warranty. They are offering it for $1900 (and some change). I know these can be had from other dealers, so does this one sound like a good deal? Are there any other better deals out there? Appreciate any help with this. By the way, I'll be getting a fair amount of cash back from them also, as the truck is worth way more than the Explorer. I'm sure I could sell the truck and get more, but other than the over-zealous salesmen, I'm just looking to get the deal done and get the best I can. Again, appreciate the help.
  2. Yep. Happens to my wife all the time. She really, really hates it. And who takes it all? Me! I have not tried to WD-40 or PB Blast it yet. But I am looking at trading it in anyway on the next size up SUV (Explorer). I like this one, but we have decided it is just a little too small for us. It will all depend on what kind of deal we are able to make. Anyway, if you get a replacement off E-Bay, let us know if it fixes the issue.
  3. I would take it back to the place that did the oil change and have them find out what happened. I had something similar happen to my old Dodge Charger, and it turns out they messed up the seal when putting on the oil filter. I had oil all over my engine, hood, firewall, pretty much the whole front end of my car. They fixed the oil filter, did a thorough check to make sure nothing else got screwed up as a result, and then had the whole car detailed, including the engine compartment, and underside of the car.
  4. This happens to my wife all the time. I don't know why, or what she does, but it happens in this car, it happens in my F-250, and it has happened in other cars also. It is something about the way she grabs the strap and pulls it, or something. I really don't know, but for other people, it rarely happens, even in the same seat. I believe it is operator error, but I just can't figure out why.
  5. Give it a little time. I've had some Michelin's that felt "squirrely" also, but went away after a few days of decent driving. It's happened on at least a couple of cars I previously owned. If after a while it doesn't go away, I would pursue it further. But I think the tires will eventually "adjust" themselves.
  6. Amen to this. That damn visor is a pain on so many vehicles. The one on my F-250 is actually great, and the one on my 2015 Dodge Charger was pretty good also. Though at times, the sun managed to find a little peephole on the Charger, just to piss me off!
  7. C'mon man, no pictures? Of the painted shifter. Heck, and the snow.
  8. Welcome to the forum Cynthia. Start with the easy stuff first. In this case, the battery. If you can get it out, take it somewhere and have it checked (Autozone, O'Reilly's, etc.). Also, if you can get a code reader, see if any codes are stored. I'm guessing there will be some. Let us know what you find out there, and we can go from there.
  9. Welcome to the forums KoKo. I just wanted to make sure you are aware that you are replying to a post that is 6 years old (2018). You may or may not get a reply from Ed. Just wanted you to know. Again, welcome.
  10. I'm not sure if there is an answer to your specific question. Unfortunately, it may be time to suck up your loss and toss in the towel. I have had to do that, once on a really nice Lincoln Continental. Anyway, I hope someone may have a solution for you, but just be prepared to call it.
  11. I can't help you on finding this, but I am kinda curious why you think Ford pooched this one. I haven't been on the boards too long, but I haven't seen anything on this being an big issue. It may be, but hopefully someone has a source for you.
  12. edjunior


    I do pretty much the same thing. See the VA once a year (or so), and use Tricare the rest of the time. However, I will turn 65 in February, so I will be transitioning to Medicare A and B, and Tricare for Life (TFL). Other vets I have talked with locally have their healthcare set up this way and have no issues. I am 60 percent VA disabled (sleep apnea and tinnitus), so keeping the VA in the loop is good. They also have free hearing aids, which is fantastic. So, we'll see how the transition to Medicare goes soon. I'm sure it will be fine, but I just hate having to change something that is working just fine.
  13. If you have no experience working on cars, I would highly recommend you take it to a dealer, or a local mechanic. You could very quickly get in over your head, especially when dealing with electrical issues. If you insist on bombarding the forum with questions, that's okay, just be aware that you may have to wait a bit for someone knowledgeable in that particular area to answer.
  14. Is your car still under warranty. If so, I would get it in to the dealer and let them fix this. That's what the warranty is for.
  15. Oh man, I am almost there also. At 65 I am still able to grow my hair long (and did), it's just a different color now. Dammit! I just need to fire up a doobie and sit back and relax. Dammit, I can't even do that. Legally. Yet.
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