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  1. I guess that would make sense. When I started doing the pinout tests I took the bumper off to get to the chassis ground and it was nasty but making a good connection. I kept thinking that it was a ground issue but could never track down anything that looked suspect, but it couldn't hurt to tear back into it anyway. Thanks, I appreciate your response.
  2. Hey everyone, I'm trying to diagnose an intermittent problem with my wife's Edge that has been plaguing me for over a year. Sometimes - usually just after I mention to someone that I think I fixed the problem - the car will have a rough start (sometimes cold, sometimes warm) where there is no throttle control at all. After a few seconds, the engine will lower RPMs to the point where the car starts to shake and it smells like its running very rich. Occasionally I'll notice the lights on the shifter randomly changing from park to drive to neutral (etc) in a random pattern, but it doesn't feel like the transmission is trying to engage. A few months ago, this happened while I was driving. I lost all acceleration and managed to limp to a gas station. I will get all the error lights on the dash from the yellow wrench to engine over temperature to the advancetrac light and everything in between. The most recent time it happened the list of codes were as follows: P0123, P060B, U0401, P0643, P0A5A, P2123, P2128, P2135, P2138, P2111 We had it towed to Ford about six month ago to have them look at it, but they couldn't replicate the problem and wanted to just install a new throttle body. I passed on them installing, but when I installed a new one the problems persisted. At some point, I'm usually able to clear the codes and restart the car enough times for it to work normally. The codes point to the TPS, but I did a circuit trace of everything in the system and it all tested within spec according to the shop manual. I've reached the point where I believe the only option is to replace the PCM. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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