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  1. I was having this same issue with my 2016 SEL almost 2 years ago. This hurts seeing this post and how easy and cost efficient the replacement is. I could not find a video anywhere with this same issue at the time I was having the issue. I was out of options because I could not get it to open at all some days so I had to break down and take it to the dealer to replace. Seeing that the part is only around $60 and the video showing how relatively simple the replacement is hurts knowing how much I got ripped off. Which I knew anyway at the time but seeing this just opens old wounds. But again at the time I was out of options. Seems a lot if people have had this same issue with the liftgate.
  2. I couldn't see where the strap was hooked to. I am looking at this with half my body sticking out of the passenger door and partially upside down so It's hard to get the proper perspective. I was able to unsnap the support strap. It was just a snap in. That gave me just enough room to use an extended socket wrench and go behind the pipe. I believe it was a 5/16. I don't have any mm or at least I couldn't find them. But it worked. After I was able to get all of the screws out it was tricky trying to remove the blower motor because that same pipe was in the way. Took some time and a lot of adjusting (and patience) but finally got it removed. It was much easier installing the new motor. Just had to angle it the right way after a few tries. No more noise coming from the motor and everything runs great. Hopefully the next person having this issue can use some of this information. Thanks again for everyone's insight.
  3. Good news I was able to access the bottom of the blower motor. Bad news is whoever installed it has one of the screws impossible to get to. Maybe an inch of space to work with
  4. It looks like the Glove Compartment does not need to be removed in order to access or replace the blower motor. I would like to remove it completely though just to make more room to work with. In macbwt's video it does appear he is working on a different year because the glove compartment looks a little different. It does help to get a general idea of what you're working with. I've taken down the Glove Compartment previously to replace the Cabin Air Filter but not completely removed it. I'm hoping once I remove those push pins\tabs and insulation panel I can completely remove the Glove Compartment. If not I should still be able to access the blower motor regardless. I assumed those push pins were probably what I needed to remove but I didn't want to until I was absolutely sure so that was a big help. I'm hoping to work on it today after work. I'm already pretty sure it has to be replaced but just want to make sure before I order the part. Any good suggestion on trustworthy OEM sites? I appreciate everything you included. Thanks again.
  5. I've seen the video you posted. Unfortunately the guy is blocking the camera view when he takes off the glove compartment. I will check out the manuals. They seem promising and more than I've found previously. Thank you!
  6. I have a 2016 SEL 2.0L Ecoboost. The blower motor has been making noise and I want to remove any debris and/or replace the entire motor itself but I can't seem to find any help on how to access the blower motor. I've replaced the cabin air filter several times which is very easy. I thought it wouldn't be to much more complicated to remove the motor. Maybe it is but I can't seem to find any good videos or guides anywhere. It seems to be a bit tricky or at least not self explanatory. I just don't want to accidentally break anything when trying to access the motor. Do I need to remove the glove box entirely? I haven't been able to find a guide on how to remove the glove box. Do I need to get underneath the glove box? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
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