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About sdpupillo

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  1. You've done great work on these. If I wanted one for my Edge, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to send you a personal check for one. 100% stand up guy for anyone wanting one of your products. I feel you though, I had to stop my hobby business as well due to a tax burden.
  2. Looks great! I'd definitely be interested in adding those brakes to mine. One area I think my Edge is lacking.
  3. Looks great! Get phase 3 finished before spring!
  4. I walked past mine in the garage and admired how friggin dirty it was from the rain last week. Need to get her cleaned up before it's her turn for daily duty next week.
  5. I love the carbon look, figured I'd might as well spend the extra and not regret it later. Now I want to get the engine cover hydrodipped to match it. Maybe one day. I closed the hood very carefully at first and it didn't close all the way. Gave it a little more force and it snapped shut. Hopefully with some heating cycles, it'll conform where it won't need any additional pressure to close. Very impressed and have no regrets!
  6. Installed mine today. Beautiful fit and finish! Thank you so much!
  7. Received my intake mod from @Xtra and it fit like a charm. Love it!
  8. Welcome! Love the Edge. That's the color I wanted but couldn't find! Hope to see more!
  9. Welcome aboard! Car looks great and like the direction you headed. I wanted to acquire stock 21" wheels for my sport, but the stock 20" are growing on me. Especially with the wider variety of tires available. Congrats on the new car!
  10. Took 15 minutes, tops. Have to remove the engine cover, the 3 E5 bolts on the BOV. Reinstall with the provided bolts. Appreciate the compliment!
  11. Since I'm immature, I had to order a Boomba. Don't have any plans to modify this car heavily, so just a little extra sound. Had read that you wouldn't hear this all that much with normal driving. Well, I take a lot of highways to work. Surprisingly, you hear this quite a bit on the highway. Weather it be just cruising along or trying to pass another car. Windows down, music low, it's pretty obvious. If your windows are up, average music volume and AC blowing on setting 2-3, you just faintly hear it. Over all, for $60, worth it! See how long I have it on before I get annoyed with it! https://i.imgur.com/FNPbj5I.jpg[/img] https://i.imgur.com/ZY2n9Mc.jpg[/img]
  12. I don't think you owe us any explanation. We appreciate your work and enjoy any updates you provide! Plus, give me some extra time to free up some funds to purchase one of these from you
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