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About EddieHudson

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  1. I had to have a rear stud replaced on my 2010 SE. They were able to remove the parking brake assembly, cut off part of the stud and then punch it out.
  2. I have a 2010 SE AWD and just replaced the Exide (12/2017) battery in June. I have never had a problem with the battery leaking at all. You probably have an overcharging problem. I have replaced the alternator twice. The first time with a Wilson (BBB Industries) rebuilt which started giving me trouble after 2 years. I replaced it with a new Motorcraft.
  3. Charge your battery. If your car wants to shut off after a few minutes, it usually means the alternator is not working and the battery is almost dead.
  4. Do a site search. I believe there was a post last week on BMS reset. The easiest way is to let the car sit for 8 hours without starting.
  5. You might be overfilling the tank when you gas up. Next fill up stop when the pump first clicks off and see what happens.
  6. Try cleaning the throttle body and MAF. It can't hurt.
  7. My 2010 AWD uses Mercon V not power steering fluid. Try doing a flush and putting in the correct fluid.
  8. Victor Charge the battery, check the voltage, then start the car. Check the voltage with a VOM while the car is running. It sounds like you have a bad alternator.
  9. 9:30 today I took the Edge in. 9:37 paperwork done and car went inside 11:57 car completed.
  10. When I put a non-pats key in my 2010 SE, it will crank but will not start.
  11. Is the Anti- theft light flashing?
  12. If you buy the tool, you can get one for 1/2 the cost of the one you listed.
  13. Thanks for the update. I was wondering if it could be water in the gas?
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