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Everything posted by Heysdad

  1. Well I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone here....Ever since our Edge was stolen and burned a few months ago I've been thinking about getting a new 2008 Edge..... Not going to happen! We're going to get a new 2008 Toyota Highlander. :happy feet: We feel that with the issues we were starting to have with ours, it was kind of a blessing that it got stolen. Everyone on this forum has been real nice and helpful....Thank you for everything. If you are having problems with your Edge, we hope you get them worked out. If you're not, well than sit back and enjoy the ride...... Good luck to all and be safe. :shades:
  2. Hey the 2008 order guide says"CHROME BELTLINE MOLDING" Does anyone know what this is going to look like? What is this? Anyone have any pic's of another auto with this molding? Thanks Y'all
  3. Hey edge22 what part number led did you order. Is this for your rear plate? :hyper:
  4. Glad to hear you had a great and safe time....Welcome home! I bet you missed your Edge????? I know we miss ours.....We can't wait to get our new one. We were going to get another 2007, but now we're going to wait for the 2008.
  5. White Sand is the same as the F-150 White Sand....Not anything like the Oxford white like other Ford's. It's more of a very mellow Cream color.
  6. Awesome, that sounds easy. I'm going to do it when I get my 2008 Edge. Do you have any sound clips to up load???? Also, is it still quiet on the inside of the car, or can you hear the exhuast sound a lot? You guys are so lucky to be the test bed for that system. Enjoy.....
  7. I thought this was going to be a bolt on system? Wow....Cutting on a leased Edge . I don't know about that one. I'll just have to see. I hope it fits the 2008 Edge. We will be ordering our 2008 Edge ASAP. I can't wait.....!
  8. Mine is going to be a lease also and I'm going to put one on there asap. I bet it's going to sound great. Thanks for the pictures...it looks great.
  9. Your system should read WMA and Mp3 files, it's the AAC files it does not like. But then that's why Ford gave you an iPod jack in your center arm rest storage bin....
  10. I also got the same answer from Ford. However I was told that what I was explaining was image reflection of the dash pad and not a glare issue and that there is a huge difference. Glare is reflected light and image reflection is....Well, just that. What ever they want to call it, it is a real pain in the a$$. So the answer you got I think is in regards to what you say is glare, even though you sent them some great pictures of the problem. There is a set standard for glare by DOT but not any for reflection.......YET! I bought some Oakley polorized glasses :shades: and it worked awesome for the dash reflection, but 2 weeks later my Edge was stolen and then burned to the ground 3 miles from my home. So when I get my 2008 Edge I will need to get another pair of glasses. Sorry you're so unhappy with you Edge. I really loved mine. It was a sad day to see mine all burned up. Just a shell.....Thank you State Farm. :happy feet:
  11. Y'all kill me.........Trans lock up.........Flip......Because the engine stoped running????? WOW.....You guys really watch way toooooo much TV. Maybe it'll blow up in a huge fireball for no good reason also....LOL Ford will be able to pull up the fault codes to see what caused this issue. I'm sure they will correct it for you. Don't worry. It will all work out ok.
  12. Hey did the Gibson people say about how much this system was going to cost? I just can't wait...
  13. That great. Thanks for the info. I'm going to start saving my money right now. Oh...is the system stainless steel? It seems like that's all that's being used now a days. I'm all pumped up to get this installed.
  14. That must sound great. I love the sound of the 350z's....Does it look like it will be hard to install? How did you work out being the prototype Edge? Sounds like a great deal.
  15. I still can't get an answer about H.I.D. headlights on the 2008 from anyone. Does anyone know if they will be an option?
  16. Well....yea I think so. I'm sure you know the red I'm talking about. It's a candy apple or fire engine red, not like the red fire that's on the Edge now. It's a bright red...Looks awesome.
  17. I think the bright Fire engine red they use on the F-150 and Mustang would be a great color also.
  18. There is also nothing said about H.I.D. headlights. Was that just wishful thinking?
  19. It would sure be nice if they would move the antenna from the front to the back like every other sport cuv/suv. Or better yet just catch up with current way of doing it and put the antenna in the glass so there is no mast at all. That would be great..... I'll be getting a 2008 now that my 07 got stolen and burned last week. That was a sad day. Nothing like the cops calling to say that they have recovered your stolen car.....However.....It's been damaged! Yea...damaged....Burned out, is more like it !!!
  20. I don't think you can do a dash cover on the Edge because the passenger airbag deploys from the top of the dash...Correct? That would hinder the deployment of the bag in a crash.....
  21. Why no loaner????? I would have told them there is no question about it. I need a loaner or rent me a car!
  22. Hello pinemeadows and Scott-0, We live in Lewisville area if you'er ever up this way and see a Sage edge with a shark fin antenna on the spoiler, that's us. Y'all have fun showin off now......We get at least 1 person asking about our's everyday. Some like it and others don't.....Some people think it's ugly?????? Oh well......I love it, and most people do. I hope to get some pic here soon.... See ya...
  23. I bet they did...It works great. I guess Ford forgot about that system when they did the Edge. It's not bad for the guys, but the gals are having a hard time with it....
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