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Everything posted by FORDEDGE07

  1. Im sorry i lied mine is 27% but its still a little off stock rear windows it makes a big difference
  2. South carolina legal tint is 35% ive got my edge done two weeks ago and looks slightly off factory rear doors ive got photos give me a couple days. Ill post em.
  3. Be more specific the chrome piece dosent pop off the center cover that covers gear shifter does. That pops up then you take out 2 7mm bolts infont of arm rest.
  4. Thanks for replying yes ive tried everything oxyclean steam clean rug doctor took it to professional cleaner he said its ruined. I see where your coming from but if you look theres really no extreme curves or bumbs in the edge floor. And i dont know about you but damm have you priced ford factory carpet. Ford interior pieces are crazy high. Im gonna give it a try if it turns out ok ill post some pics if not ill bite the bullet and get factory replacement. :hyper:
  5. Has anybody replaced the factory carpet with house carpet. I have kids and it seems alot easier to clean the house carpet. What started this is a red slushy on my light tan carpet trust me ive tried everything to get it out. Even had a local priest throw holy water on it.
  6. wow i cant believe no one knows this all theses ford edge fans in here and nothing
  7. its late and my brain is fried but what is drivers soll ??
  8. That link is great but theres three harnesses on the pcm and one harness has two purple orange wires aghhh
  9. All you have to do on e brake switch is ground it to something. So you can watch movies or change nav functions while moving thats what i did on my jvc
  10. Did it add any horsepower or torque. be a little more specific on sound like a small block chevy with headers or a S10 blazer with no mufflers just curious because i have an electric sawz all and nothing but time.
  11. Lets see i have a schosche harness for fords directly to jvc head unit. no splicing Ive had alot of people tell me its in the pcm harness but wow theres three harnesses there and dont feel very good splicing into those doesnt that void warranty.
  12. Hey if anyone could help id appreciate it. Ive got a 2007 edge installing jvc nav system wiring says to install wire to speed sensor. Does anyone know how to do this or were i can find a speed signal i guess it uses that for positioning of satellites or something THANKS !!
  13. Im not stepping on toes but what is different about 170.00 compared to 40.00 on another site vvme.com
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