I just replaced the PDU fluid in my 2020 Edge and wanted to detail my experience. I bought it new (Titanium with the Elite Package) and am trying to maximize its life by replacing all the fluids I can regularly. I had the PTU fluid replaced at a dealership when I went for a warranty issue with the touchscreen at 30000 mi. I bought the M/C fluid and decided to have Ford replace it, I paid 45 bucks for the fluid and Ford charged 130 for the change. For the RDU @ 36000 mi, I decided to replace the fluid. I didn't jack up the car, I just crawled under and kept it level. To remove the filler plug on the rear diff, I had to buy a slim "3/8" "breaker bar" from AMZ for ten bucks because there was very little clearance between a rear cross member and the fill plug. With this small wrench, I could remove the filler plug using a small pipe for leverage with no problem. The drain was easily accessible with a 3/8" rachet. The drain plug had a good amount of debris on the magnet and the fluid was very dark but I guess this is normal for break-in as my Subaru Forester had the RDU fluid in a similar condition at the same mileage when I changed it. I used Permatex high temp on the plugs and pumped the new fluid from the oil bottle using a screw-on pump from AMZ that worked great. I used about 3/4 of a Qt. which makes sense because the capacity is 28 oz +/- 1oz. I filled it until it started draining from the fill plug. Then I torqued the drain plug to 20 ft-lbs and used Permatex high temp on threads. Hope this helps - Peace.