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About behler0198

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  1. Just another update to my post from Jan 30.......Edge going in Tomorrow for the 5th time....at least I think it is 5. Has been in so many times for the ptu that I lost count. I think I have given plenty of time for the residue to burn off. I think I have also been more than patient regarding this issue. You know It really irritates me that when you drop off your car they treat you as if you have no clue what you are talking about or I am the only one that has this problem with their Ford Edge or maybe they just think I am stupid!!!! Well that isnt the case because of all the research I have done on this forum. When the unit was replaced in January the tech told me............."give us one more time to fix it........I am confident that it will be fixed correctly this time". Well guess what! Dont think so..........Went underneath the car today and it is full of red liquid underneath. From the day I brought it home in January I spradically smelled the burning and now it is almost everyday except of course those warmer days. Now with the red fluid leak all over the bottom of my car it is confirmed. Was it leaking when I took it back for them to check and they told me it was residue that needed to burn off? Were they hoping I would just go away. I will now take this to the next level. Again, do cars have issues and defects, yes they do but 4 or 5 times for the same issue. I'm sure we all didnt put the money out for these cars to have them spend so much time in the shop and not being fixed . Talk about inconvenience. I look forward to warmer weather so that I can drive my car for a few months without that horrible smell!!!!!!!!!
  2. Update on my 2007 Ford Edge. I was told by the technician at the dealer ship that the new PTU unit is still holding and no leaking. He said that they had to put extra lube on the seal and it is dropping on the exhaust so until that burns off I will smell a burning smell. I asked how long that would take and he couldnt give me an answer. HMMMM..........I am a woman so dont know to much about cars but I do know that irritating burning smell. Would lube smell like this? I guess i have to take their word for it for now and see what happens. Could it be or could it not be? I do still smell it. It will be almost a month since the last one has been replaced.
  3. Finally after 2 years of having burning smell in my car I have finally decided to join this forum and tell you my story. Bought my Ford Edge March of 2007. I loved this car. December of 2007 started smelling the infamous burning smell. Took to the dealer replaced the seal after waiting 2 weeks to get my car back. March 2008 driving back from New Jersey to Pennsylvania after a vacation in Florida car smoking so bad that we could hardly see. I didnt know if we were going to make it home ok! We did and back to dealer where they replaced the PTU! January 9, 2009, leaking again. Dealer replaced PTU again! Pulled off the lot of the dealer and could have sworn that I smelled the burning smell. By now I know that smell all to well. Husband told me that maybe some fluid is still on the exhaust so maybe it needs to burn off. Have been smelling the burning smell off and on since that day. Friday, January 23rd driving to work stopped at light, what do i smell. It cant be, can it? Thought maybe it was in my head.........Went to lunch strong smell of burning. Going to the dealer tomorrow. What is different this time is i dont smell it all the time. Today out and about running errands and haven't smelled anything but getting it checked anyway. Dealer thinks that maybe they didnt clean my car up and maybe some liquid has to burn off..........does that make sense. Told them I have had it. Although you do expect to have problems I think I have been more than patient. Anyway, just wanted to tell my story.
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