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  1. svlaming

    Shift points

    Does anyone have any data on at what RPM a 2019 ST should shift in normal driving mode vs sport mode. Seems like 3rd and 4th are really close
  2. Question on this topic, does adding the tune effect the shift point in normal driving mode or just in "Sport Mode"?
  3. I plasti dip the plastic around the exhaust, looks good. And if I get sick of it it'll peel right off
  4. Does anyone know of a place I can get or cut viynal to cover the chrome pecies on my st.
  5. Going in two weeks to the Park City one, can't wait
  6. I signed up for the Park City Utah class the second week of October, can't wait
  7. So I plan on buying my first edge ST (2020) in the next few months once the 2021's come out my question is besides the apperance what are the pros and cons between the performance package wheels (21") and the standard 18" set up
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