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  1. I have a 07 Edge SEl. Trying to chase down the cause of hard start, rough idle, and no power, so I've changed the plugs, coils, injectors, purge valve, even the throttle position sensor. Nothing seems to help, and I don't have access to a code reader (at this time), so I want to swap out the throttle body. There are no Edges, MKX's, or even a Mazda around here, so what other TB's will work? Say, one from a Explorer with a 4.0? Taurus?
  2. Just got the replacement power brake booster in the mail for my 07 Edge. Took the old one out, trying to put the new one in. The new one comes with an O-ring. I don't see the old ring...where does the new O-ring go?
  3. My '09 Hyundai Santa Fe had them in the bumper. They were the actual light/reflector housing completely sealed, but no socket, bulb, or wiring. So if you were somewhat handy with a Dremel, you could cut out the plastic "cross" and fit a small, clearance light-style socket and bulb. A deer took out the Santa Fe before i could do it, so that's how we came to own our sparkly purple 07 Edge.
  4. adworden

    New lights

    Do you happen to have a picture with the light bar turned ON? I like the light output of the bars, just don't like the looks. Thanks.
  5. I have an 07 Edge SEL that has a blown subwoofer. My question is: What other Ford/Lincoln vehicles can I get a subwoofer from when I go to the junkyard? No Edge's or MKX's available where I am...
  6. 2007 Edge SEL AWD. Does anyone know the size of the front spindle nut? I know it takes a 36mm socket, but what about the thread size? Or maybe a part # for Napa, Autozone, or O'riellys? I'm trying to find one local, but they keep giving me the wrong size
  7. This is the collar i am talking about. Looks like it's held on by 3 bolts. Does it have anything to do with holding the axle in?
  8. 2007 Edge SEL AWD. Trying to get the passenger axle out to replace the outer boot. Got the hub off, knuckle off, etc. On the inboard side of the axle there's what appears to be a 'collar' around the shaft. Does this have to be taken off to remove the axle? Any helpful suggestions? Can't even see how to get a hammer up there. Car's taken apart, sitting on jack stands, wife is not very pleased...
  9. If they are an Edge only wheel, can someone tell me what other Ford models run on 18" wheels? With the right offset, hub, etc? We just bought some new 18" tires....
  10. Are these just fancy hubcaps? Or "wheel skins"?
  11. What do you call the 'program' that keeps the radio on until I open the door? I want to turn it off...Thanks.
  12. Have a 2007 Edge SEL. Need to replace one 18" wheel. Hope to get one from a junkyard, so I need to know if other models from Ford/Lincoln came factory equipped with this style.
  13. I have a set (2) of 9-light LED driving lights for my 2007 Edge. My questions are: can I wire them directly to the high beams, or do I have to go with relays, switches, etc.? Where would I find a "hot" wire to use? Thanks.
  14. Have a 2007 Edge, only came with one key/fob. Want to get another key and fob, but was told I would have to take it to a dealer to get it programmed. Then I stumbled across how to program the fob myself (on/off several times, etc.). I'm confused. Can I go have a key made and buy a seperate fob (Ebay)? Or what?
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