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Everything posted by BlueOx43

  1. Hello Everyone! Thank you in advance for any advice you may give. I have a 2011 Ford Edge SEL. Over the summer, my APIM finally went out. I am finally going stir crazy with no radio so I am considering fixing it. I would like all of your advice, tips, and instructions on how to replace it with another Sync 2 module. I understand that many are recommending upgrading to a Sync 3 but I... 1) Only want to get another year or possibly 2 out of the vehicle and 2) Am a single father of 2 trying to come up with the most economical fix possible. Is it possible for someone without a lot of mechanical skill to complete this task? How long do you think it will take once I get all of the items necessary? How difficult is it to figure out how to use Forscan? What exactly do I need to purchase?
  2. BlueOx43


    New member from Northwest Ohio. I own a 2011 Ford Edge SEL. I joined in hopes of learning tips, tricks, and advice on how to replace my faulty Sync 2 APIM.
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