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About coldengrey

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  1. Hello, Am very new here, forgive me if topic needs moving, ect. Particularly, TSB's and Warranty section- is there a way to enter my vehicles details, ie Edge Model Year, Trim, options, to narrow down notifications (via) email of TSB and Warranty Topics/Threads which only involve my specific Vehicle? I suppose I should mess around and discover forums advanced features before asking... But NEED to make certain I find some way to be notified of my vehhicle's TSB's and Warranty issues... Thank You.
  2. Greetings, Wanted to take a minute to say hello. Also wanted to extend gratitude to forum founder(s), Administrators, MODERATORS , Sponsors, if applicable, and certainly to fellow community members! Looking forward to having a resource to get info, trends, fixes, ect and hopefully contribute and pass on knowledge. Was excited to learn of and run across Software mods (jailbreak/hacks), to run unsigned code or unrestrict settings, ect (assuming these are types of activities the mods allow). Jason
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