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  1. So anyone else in this situation - I found the part #. This bolt is used in multiple places. Part # W707628-S424. They run anbout $0.75/ea. From what I found online: Glove Box Assembly Screw, Cluster Lens Screw, Cluster Assembly Screw, Receiver Screw, Display Unit Screw, AM/FM CD Screw, Catch Screw, Mount Bracket Screw, AM/FM Radio Screw, Satellite Radio Screw, Tray Screw, Passenger Air Bag Screw, Retainer Screw, Lower Column Cover Screw, Sun-Visor Screw, Spacer Screw, Floor Console Screw, Module Screw, Cluster Bezel Screw, Radio Bezel Screw, Radio Bezel Retainer Screw, Bracket Screw, Instrument Panel Retainer Screw, Upper Bracket Screw, Compartment Upper Bolt, Storage Compartment Screw, Center Bezel Screw, Heater Control Screw, Handle Screw, Column Cover Screw, Side Trim Screw, Coat Hook Screw, Instrument Cluster Screw, Front Dr Speaker Screw, Inst Panel Speaker Screw, Striker Screw, Console Screw, Bezel Screw, Passenger Air Bag Retainer Screw, Hinge Retainer Screw, Switch Panel Screw, Cluster Bezel Front Bolt, Console Base Retainer Screw, Upper Duct Screw, Glove Box Screw, HVAC Temperature Control Panel Screw, Instrument Panel Trim Panel Screw, Bulb Screw, Instrument Panel Screw, Upper Panel Screw, Headliner Screw, Instrument Panel Air Bag Screw, Sun Visor Holder Screw, Sun Visor Screw, GPS Navigation System Screw, Instrument Panel Lens Screw, Steering Column Cover Screw, Screw
  2. I've had the need a few times to remove my stereo to run wiring behind the trim and have managed to lose some of the bolts to the ACM/FCIM. Does anyone know what size these are? I can't locate that info online (so far). I have a 2016 Edge SE 2.0L with the small screen.
  3. I neglected to take a picture of the HU and cables when I was in the dash and taking everything apart (literally have to pull the center console apart - it's a nightmare) would take me long enough that I'm willing to wait until the parts I ordered come in. From what I've been able to gather, the connector on the stereo/antenna is some sort of FAKRA connector, similar to this: https://www.ebay.com/i/282789679172?chn=ps (the blue connector) Finding a connector that has female FAKRA to male DIN for a standard stereo connection has been daunting. BMW and VW supposedly use a similar connector and I'm going to probably have to Frakenstein something together to get it to work. I don't listen to a ton of terrestrial radio, so if I'm stuck just having XM and my 80GB iPod, I'm still ahead. If I get everything to play nicely, I'll take pictures and post the process in case anyone else happens to run into the same situation. It still blows my mind that they deleted the AUX port. Had they just left that in, I'd be OK. Hell, even my wife's 2009 Toyota Yaris has an AUX port between the front seats...
  4. Mayhem

    2016 Edge

  5. I reached out to PAC who has an adapter that will get me part-way there. The BAA23 will connect an aftermarket antenna to the stock stereo, but they don't have the reverse. As far as why I'm not using my phone, because of the amount of data involved and the fact that I got a free portable unit from SiriusXM. That, and I'd really like to have some way to plug stuff in. I bought an FM Modulator (SiriusXM part #FMDA) that gives you a 3.5mm male jack but has standard DIN connections for the stereo. Thus my situation. I already tried a male USB to male 3.5" cable (that was my first attempt to get this to work) but the USB port is looking for some sort of data (ID3 tags or whatever) and plugging in a USB cable with a 3.5mm connector on the other side doesn't cut it.
  6. I traded in my 2014 Fusion 2.5L SE which had SiriusXM and an aux jack in the center console (under the arm rest) for a 2016 Edge SE 2.0L EcoBoost. In my excitement, I failed to notice the 2016 Edge I purchased had neither XM built-into the stereo nor an aux jack anywhere in the car. SiriusXM gave me a free portable unit with car dock to keep me (been with them 8 years) but I still get stations bleeding in when using the FM transmitter of the XM dock - to the point where it's mostly unusable. There apparently used to be a Bluetooth dock for the OnyxEZ that I got, but it's no longer available and I cannot find it anywhere (not even eBay). I found an adapter on Amazon that would plug directly into the FM antenna of the HU, not knowing that the antenna that's used isn't the traditional style. So that's being returned. Is there any way to at least add an AUX port or some other way to get the audio from the portable XM into the HU that doesn't involve trashing the entire system? The HU is the tiny 4.2" and while I'd love to rip it out for one with Sync3, it's not possible. Yes, I could use a portable bluetooth transmitter that plugs into the headphone jack of the OnyxEZ, but I'm looking to reduce the clutter of wires I already have. Thanks.
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