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About redden18

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  1. I do use SYNC 3 options all the time, radio, Sirius, music from memory stick, plus I have navigation which is useful when there is no coverage. and SYNC 3 is cheaper now: SYNC 2 to SYNC 3 3.4 Upgrade Wireless Carplay Kit Fit for Ford Sync3 3.4 NA223 Opens in a new window or tab ✔Wireless Carplay✔New Map NA223✔Stock✔3 Years Warranty New (Other) C $546.40 Was: C $575.16, 5% off or Best Offer Free shipping from China 53 sold
  2. Since you are not an original user of FordPass it may be worth to ask previous owner if they used FordPass and if they do, ask them to remove vehicle from their and authorized users account's. It may be worth to do this the day before you try the rest of this, as this action needs to process through the Ford system. In some cases, it may be necessary to manually remove the vehicle from the Ford Owner account. After that try this: Reauthorization of FordPass Connect TCU. This procedure is meant to help users who have feature or connectivity issues with their FordPass application and/or Telematics Control Unit (TCU). FordPass Phone Application: Open the app on all phones.  Delete the vehicle from the account on the secondary user’s phone, close the app, delete the app from the phone, reboot the phone.  On the primary phone delete the vehicle from the account, close the app, delete the app from the phone, reboot the phone.  DO NOT install FordPass at this time on the phones. Sync Vehicle Application: Remove both phones from the vehicle.  Remove the vehicle pairing from both phones. Reboot the phones. (It is important to reboot the phones to clear the cache of all instances of the BT pairing.)  Now that both phones do not have FordPass installed, go to the vehicle and perform a Master Reset of the Sync APIM. o Select Settings in bottom feature bar on the SYNC 3 touchscreen. o Select General. o Scroll down to Master Reset. o Select Master Reset. o Select Continue on the pop-up message. o The Sync APIM will reboot. This will take several minutes.  Once the APIM comes up and has finished booting and loading maps, pair the primary user’s phone ONLY to the vehicle. FordPass Application Installation: Once the phone is paired and the contacts download, etc., you may proceed with installing FordPass on the primary cell phone ONLY.  Once FordPass is loaded, sign into the app.  First check that the vehicle is NOT listed on the account. If it is, then the vehicle will need to be deleted.  If the vehicle is not listed, add the vehicle to the account following the instructions in the FordPass app. Reauthorization of FordPass: Now it is time to authorize the modem…  Start the vehicle. The vehicle MUST be running to complete the authorization.  Select “Activate Vehicle” and wait for the app response to say the authorization is pending.  Watch the APIM for the authorization prompt. Select “Yes”. DO NOT try to authorize the vehicle multiple times, this will just mess things up. You should receive a message in the FordPass app stating that the authorization is pending. If you get a ‘Unable to authorize’ or ‘Authorization not available’ message, then the Ford servers have an issue and there is nothing you can do at this point. It usually takes a day for them to come back. (Weekends are the worst times for this.)  Once the message appears on the APIM to authorize, confirm you want to authorize. If the message takes more than about 5 minutes, turn off the vehicle and open and close the door to ensure that the APIM powers down. Restart the vehicle. Wait for the message… authorize the vehicle.  The FordPass app should reflect the vehicle is authorized and start populating the features. You should receive a message in the FordPass app the vehicle is authorized. If you do not receive the messages, then the Ford servers are very busy or there is an issue with the account.  Once this is completed, shut down the vehicle for 15 minutes or so.  You may now add the secondary user’s phone to the vehicle and to FordPass if desired. Do NOT attempt to authorize the vehicle from the secondary user’s phone.
  3. Seems to be similar to the solution which allowed video while in motion on SYNC 2 (quite expensive), the only thing is that for CAD 319 at the moment there are too many negative responses... well, at least on that YouTube video link. For myself, I bought SYNC 3 upgrade kit for my Explorer '12 about 3 years ago for around CAD 600 programmed to the VIN and never regretted. Plus I bought wireless AA dongle and enjoy wireless Android Auto as well. The most important thing it is working all the time with no issues! Sooo... do your homework, weigh all pros and cons and make your choice.
  4. Ebay sells used ones, if stick to part number (or interchangeable one) then it might be not difficult and not expensive to replace it but ForScan might be needed to reprogram. Though, it is worth to scan vehicle for error codes with ForScan before anything... but $1200 is definitely overkill !!! I bought used one for my 2018 (not equipped from factory) for under $100, everything is working just fine.
  5. All good stuff stopped working after ford moved to v5.X. They removed so many useful features, current features work intermittently and no any new features.
  6. IMO, it is a battery. I have it happening every time when it is cold outside, like, below -15C for several days in a row. I don't think there is a reason to change it but to charge it before the cold time. Well, unless the battery is really old like 4-5 years.
  7. TPMS screen - not possible. It has only started with 2015 Edge where there is a TPMS for individual tire. On your Edge it is only a dash light and you have to find out yourself which tire runs flat. Digital speedo - not possible either. As for climat on right IPC - you actually do not gain much, it is only temp and fun controls. I have it and I barely use it. Initially, climat screen was by default on 11 to ether 12 or 13 MY vehicles, but later Ford removed it. I think you may get all thise features by IPC firmware update but it is very time consuming and you have to know what you are doing. The other thing I dont know when Edge has been moved from CGEA 1.2 to CGEA 1.3 electrical architecture. If it still on 1.2 some of the features may not be possible even with firmware update.
  8. try this: APIM 7D0-04-01 xxxx xxx* xxzz 0=enable Climate Control Repeater for Dual Climate Control, 1=disable CCR, 2=enable CCR for Single Climate Control, 3=disable CCR, 4=E8 Program
  9. Climate soft buttons on SYNC screen: 7D0-01-01 xxxx xxxx x*xx Rear Climate Controls (RCC), Heated Steering Wheel (HSW), Heated/Cooled Seats HMI 0=RCC Not Available, HSW Not Available, Heated/Cooled Seats Not Present 8=RCC Available, HSW Not Available, Heated/Cooled Seats Not Present 1=RCC Not Available, HSW Not Available, Cooled Seats Present 9=RCC Available, HSW Not Available, Cooled Seats Present 2=RCC Not Available, HSW Not Available, Heated/Cooled Seats Present A=RCC Available, HSW Not Available, Heated/Cooled Seats Present 3=RCC Not Available, HSW Not Available, Heated Seats Present B=RCC Available, HSW Not Available, Heated Seats Present 4=RCC Not Available, HSW Available, Heated/Cooled Seats Not Present C=RCC Available, HSW Available, Heated/Cooled Seats Not Present 5=RCC Not Available, HSW Available, Cooled Seats Present D=RCC Available, HSW Available, Cooled Seats Present 6=RCC Not Available, HSW Available, Heated/Cooled Seats Present E=RCC Available, HSW Available, Heated/Cooled Seats Present 7=RCC Not Available, HSW Available, Heated Seats Present F=RCC Available, HSW Available, Heated Seats Present Nav in-motion: APIM 7D0-02-01 **** xxxx xxzz 5753 allows NAV in motion on Sync2 only but Sirius Travel Link no longer works Climate controls on right IPC screen: 720-05-01 xx*x xxxx xxxx add 8 to this value to enable climate control from IPC, say if it was 2 make it A, if it was 3 make it B
  10. I use Forscan to download them as well but Forscan cannot download older files returning files not available message.
  11. Are those files available to anyone or it is paid subscription? If it is free how can I get ones I need?
  12. Omar302, maybe you could help me as well. I have 2012 Explorer which has touch FCIM (no physical buttons) and which I was unfortunate to brake so my emergency button has crashed and stopped working. I sourced FCIM from same model year Explorer and swapped with the broken one. Everything seems to be working except that it is not really. The fan speed goes to maximum on its own every so often. This happening all the time once vehicle has warmed up (that is the reason I suspecting). To reduce the speed of the fan I can only use FCIM button, if I try to use IPC screen for that, the fan speed goes up right away. It is either bad CB on FCIM or I need to replace the firmware to match the original one. BTW, my Explorer never had the option to heat or cool the seats when remote starting which kinda sucks. Maybe my model year did not have that ability and it maybe more involved rather then just a firmware update. Do you have any thoughts on that?
  13. try this, it is for Mondeo/Fusion but many their mods are working on Edge as well Enable Heated Steering Wheel Vehicle Support (Requires New Steering Wheel and HSWM Module Installed): Note: Also, HSW needs to be enabled in IPC for Remote Starter and APIM to Turn On/Off when desired 7A7-01-02 (2013+ MY) xxxX xxxx xxxx For more details, see this thread: http://www.2gfusions.net/showthread.php?tid=6598 (FCIM) 0 (Disabled) 8 (Enabled) Heated Steering Wheel Temp: 714-02-01 (2013+ MY) xxXX XXXX xx (HSWM) 44 4444 (68º - 2013/2014/2015 Fusion/MKZ Default) 4C 4C4C (76ºF) 54 5454 (84ºF - 2015 Mondeo Default) 58 5858 (88ºF) 5A 5A5A (90ºF) 5C 5C5C (92ºF - 2016/2017 Fusion Default) 5E 5A5E (94ºF) 64 6464 (100ºF - 2016/2017 MKZ Default)
  14. What Edge are you talking about? Edge was first presented in 2006 or 2007. Mind posting a pictures of the issue you are referring to.
  15. Do not forget you can overheat and thus melt your bulb housing if using two filaments at the same time... Moreover, you should think of power draw and about the sourse of additional power supply. How it is done by Ford I think is reasonable...
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