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  1. What is the extended warranty? I only had 36,000 mile bumper to bumper and a 60,000 mile powertrain warranty.
  2. Omar did they give you a reason as to why your fans were not working at full capacity?
  3. So I am hoping somebody has had the same problem that I am trying to figure out and can help me out. Lately when I turn on my AC when leaving home the air will blow cold as long as I am driving down the road. When I come to a stop light it starts to blow warm air. However, it only does this for about 10 to 15 minutes before it starts to work correctly and blow cold as normal. Yesterday for the first time while going somewhere all of a sudden I look down and my temp gauge is pegged in the red hot zone. I quickly get to a service station and start to deal with the problem. Now pretty much just as quick as it jumped up it came back down to normal zone. I drove home but left the AC off as I was certain that the AC was the cause. Also as of late when I have turned on my AC you can feel the load on the car and it almost stumbles for lack of better words when I turn it on... maybe about 70% of the time with the other 30% operating as normal as it should. I have done some reading and troubleshooting and this is where I am at. I have narrowed it down to my cooling fan will kick on once it reaches temp and works like it should. When I turn on the AC on max setting (or any other lower setting) the fan for the AC system does not and 97% of the time will not kick on. If I play with the AC on/off control I can sometimes get it to engage the compressor clutch and kick on. (I have checked this by stopping in the middle of the road and pop the hood and see just which fans might be working.) So I am wondering if maybe I just might get lucky and this just might be a compressor relay? As opposed to a whole fan assembly? Thank you in advance for any help you may have to offer.
  4. chaosboss

    Shop manuals

    So does anyone happen to have the service / shop manuals that the dealerships have? or a link to where I can get them possibly? Thank you.
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