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Everything posted by stuewe16

  1. took a long trip and no issues (knocking on wood) - It does seem that it shifts differently since it went "limp" a week ago. Downshifts seem more noticeable. Rethinking how this happened - I was going from 60MPH to slow down to turn left and I was still moving when I hit the gas to turn, then a THUG and SHUDDER sounded like the tranny went to the floor with very little power. Maybe just missed a gear and went into limp mode? with no codes being pulled, thats the really odd part.
  2. Just came from dealership - no codes pulled and they put on lift and saw nothing (leaks/etc) So i guess I get to wait until it happens again with hopefully some code sent to the computer. If this does happen again with no codes - do I just ask them to change the sensors?
  3. Looking at past posts, my 2008 Edge Limited/120k miles - had the symptoms of TSS/OSS failure [stopped, turning left, hard shudder and no power/1st gear to get to side of road] BUT nothing read abnormal on the dash - no wrench/odometer was fine/no airbag or low tire pressure alert.... Got home (thankfully only 1 mile and mostly downhill) did some research and went back out after a half hour and drove down block and today to work without issues. Obviously want this to get fixed sooner than on the side of a highway 100 miles from anything. Do I just proactively get this fixed thinking it needs TSS/OSS replaced?
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