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Everything posted by rdonchann
I am sure capnkirk knows a whole lot about nothing. Dodge/Chrysler has been bankrupt in the past. Did anybody get burned? I don't think so. Have you ever even sat in a Traverse? I don't think so. The way you attacked the person above I can see you know nothing about everything. This is my last response to you.
They do share the six speed but hopefully the GM specs that it is built to will be a little different and work a little slicker. I don't know the servicing recommendations on this 6 speed but 30k with a monkey driving it should not have made it act like the one I had. I liked the car but I got out of the fire once.....
Well I thought if I got rid of the all wheel drive and went to a front wheel drive it would end my problems with the Edge. I had a Platinum White 09 in my sights with all the equipment, until the dealer loaned me a FWD with 30k on it. The transmission jerked and banged when it shifted several times in a row and several days in a row. I have already been down the transmission replacement road too, in the one they repurchased. I kept that part out of it. When the loaner FWD started acting up I just couldn't do it again. I agree, the Nissan,Honda and Toyota crowd don't seem to be as reliable as they once were.
This was my first new Ford since 81. Now I remember why
Ok my problems are over. After a few sessions with Ford and the BBB they opted to repurchase it rather than go for a hearing. Turned it and the keys and title and got my check. I am through being a lab rat!
iceman maybe I am reading this wrong. You were willing to spend 7k to get a new one. Your dealer offered 20 and Ford offered 9 for a total of 29. If you put 7 with it that makes 36, is that not close to the amount you were wanting?
Did you ask them how that was supposed to remedy the leaking problem?
Talked with Ford and the BBB today. Explained to them I was not in the frame of mind to work on it further. 24-48 hours I will have Ford's official position and know if they are going to repurchase or if we are going to have a hearing.
A leak at 12000 miles is a flaw. If it is not worn out then it is a flaw. Mine was leaking from day one. It could be the seal material, the angle of torque that the axle exerts on the seal or case or a number of things. If it were not a flaw we would not all be talking about it time and time again. There ARE 07's and 08's leaking. Haven't heard of 09's but give them time.They have worked on mine for 2 years and it still leaks. I did not pay 35k to be their r&d lab rat. No thanks. That is why it cost that much, they are supposed to have done the research on their own. Your pops was right, never buy the first year. In this case first 3 yrs.
BBF you are probably right about the other owner information. They have the liability with me and since it is my case it really doesn't matter what other people have done. I agree. I have not denied them any repair attempts until now. I have plenty of attempts to back up the claim. I picked it up because the mediation had already started and I didn't want to complicate it nor did I believe in the repair that was being recommended. I may not have had the quote correct but I did have the principal correct. I am glad I have the important part correct.
No loaner now. Was in the shop 2 weeks and all they could come up with was to put in another seal. I told them that was a waste of effort and picked it up. Doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result is the definition of stupidity. BBB said Ford did not understand why I picked it up. After I told BBB the story they agreed with my reasoning. My other reason was I was afraid Ford would use it as a stall tactic by saying they had just done another repair on it and want more time.
Sure! I wrote out a chronological order of things and sent it in to the BBB with my paperwork. I listed each date and mileage and what was done each time. It is easier to understand the scenario if you have that rather than try and make sense from a bunch of work orders. I brought that to the attention of the mediator yesterday and after we went through it together she said she really understands where I am coming from. They are a "neutral" party but that made it a lot more understandable for her. She said now that she has that info and understands it she would contact their rep and get back with me maybe as soon as today. I may be wrong but I really don't think Ford will do a buy back for anybody without being ordered to. That is a last ditch effort for them. If they can get you to take a warranty it is to their advantage. You may wreck it or a number of things that could release them from liability. They hope you become so thrilled with the warranty that you will lose sight of the fact that you still have the same problem and it is not fixed.
Correct. If they had a fix we would not be having this conversation. I own a shop. I pay my bills everyday by working on vehicles. If Ford said to put it in my shop and fix it and they would write the check I would not be able to do it. It's a design flaw.
Heard from the BBB today. Ford offered to work on it again. Told them doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result was the definition for stupidity and I was not interested. They offered to throw in a 75000 mile warranty. Told them I had plenty of warranty, that was not the problem. They have no fixes left, that is the problem. They did not realize the situation "supposedly" and are supposed to get back with me. Pure shock and awe! They offered a warranty as a bargining chip.See my post above. I should have been a prophet.
Oklahoma. Some years we have quite a bit and some years not. The past 2 winters amount to about 5 days total. Divide that into the ~2000 for the awd and it is about $400.00 per day. For that much we can hire a hummer for the day. If I get rid of it we will have weeks of it.
I figure first they will want to offer is an extended warranty. Those are always bargining chips with them. We have warranty now that is not the problem. Mine has to go. I would do an 09 in FWD, that would get rid of the PTU, the rest of mine is great. They can issue a credit so I can afford to trade it off or they can buy it. Those are about the only 3 that I will settle for. I may lose, who knows. Let us know if you get a response and I will do the same.
If you bought it new from that dealer, ask them for a loaner. Mine will usually give me a loaner.
Cool! Mine has been a week today. 33 days and counting down. Let us know what transpires.
BBF: that is exactly how I understand it to be. You are right, I HOPE it will be over after the 40 days. I am encouraged by the stats on the program about 62% of the cases are rejected or paperwork never completed. So we have made a big hurdle. 80% of the cases that they take in are settled. I have my fingers crossed. Weasel: maybe yours is different. Mine has never had the left hand axle removed.
That is for the right seal being damaged and causing it to crossover and leak out the left side. Ours are all leaking out of the right side.
I have a little more info. BBB called me. They have had a talk with Ford, they are waiting for a response in writing from Ford. They say the 40 day time frame in the BBB paperwork is in concrete. Win, lose or draw it will be over in 40 calendar days. So officially I only have 35 days or less for an outcome.
They don't have a fix. After mine being at the dealer for 14 days the fse told them to put another seal in. I went and picked it up and told them that was a waste of time. I think I am getting somewhere though. The customer service rep called and in a real snotty tone told me that she would not be speaking with me about this again since someone had requested a repurchase order to the upper levels of Ford. Don't know how the process works but it sounds like somebody is trying to help me out.
If it does it wont for long.
Yes. Line 2 of my post says 5yr/60,000. Mine is still leaking. It is in the shop as we speak and has been for about 12 days now. This is number 6 I believe. 3 cases and 2 seals plus whatever they do this time. BBB said my case had been opened so we will see what happens. Most of us have time before we are responsible for it but that is something I am not interesting in owning. If Ford's deep pockets could not fix it I sure don't want to foot the bill.