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Everything posted by cv27

  1. Got my Ltd with 2.8 with these updates listed: BT4T-14D546-AM BT4T-14F496-AP BT4T-14F497-AM SYNC compatible software BT4T-14F603-AM After 1 week, only issues are: Saw 1 reboot ("scheduled maintenance", driving back home from the dealership. The irony is that this reboot seemed to stabilze the system (ex: the startup screen now shows the default "4 corner" display) On every car start, delay of 2-5 minutes before the touch screen becomes responsive. Noticed that finger presses seem to be buffered: when initially touching the screen, no reaction, but when the system is finally ready, I can hear the 2-3 pops in succession corresponding to the previous touches The delay is annoying, but I could be patient if I knew a fix was coming with 2.10 (?) So, what's the news about 2.10?
  2. Did you get the update? Did Ford Customer Care for Sync mention fixes or features with 2.10?
  3. In my situation, the noise started a few weeks after I got my Edge, at first a very subtle clicking, but as time went on the clicking got worst. It's been near 4 months now and, as I said in a previous post, the noise is now so loud people are worried for me. Curiously, I can't hear the noise with all windows rolled up (nice sound proofing Ford). By the way, Ford has determined that the noise will occur when cornering at less than 16 Kmh (10mph).
  4. I'm a lucky one too. My rims still look good, but the clicketty noise is so bad EVERYBODY asks me what's wrong ! Talked to Ford Canada: they acknowledge but won't say anything except that engineering is working on it. My dealer's inquiry through his channels make him think this won't be resolved this year. According to my dealer, Ford Canada have stopped shipping those rims. So you can't even 'try' to get a new set hoping you'll be lucky this time. What gets me is how come so few owners apparently complain about this. Is it that they don't discuss it on the Internet or that there are only a small % affected ? I'd bet on the first option.
  5. Didn't noticed many changes from 2008, except these: exterior colors (my vapor silver is no more) Nav screen has horizon view (as opposed to on top)
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