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Everything posted by cv27

  1. Good question! I would have thought that SiriusXM actually did the download of text labels. I know for sure that SiriusXM downloaded the Studio 54 logo, so why not the label?
  2. I downloaded and applied the update. Works fine except I need to wait for the SD car to resurrect my Nav. As I mentioned in another post, I did notice the presence of the TraveLink option, but the details on the display show that I have only the audio subscription; all the others show 'not subscribed'. Just in case, I called Sirius Canada to see if they had a short term plan to activate this for Canadians, as well as the Nav traffic that we saw activated for a few days a couple of weeks back. They had no clue... You mention "a Canadian version". There is no specifi Canadian version as far as I can tell. There is only one set of satellites broadcasting for North America, so all of the functionality is technically available in all units (except Nav). They (siriusXM US & Can) must send a signal for your specific SID to enable functions, the same way they do when they activate your account.
  3. For Canadians... Well, I made one bad assumption that my (Canadian) dealership would have already received some SD card for Nav, so I went ahead and installed the update (3.0.2) thinking I'd get the compatible SD card. My fault for gettinig too excited. Ford Canada were not useful either: they don't know how nor when, "but it will eventually happen" !! I called a few dealers around Montreal: nothing.
  4. Found what I think is my first problem. ACtually, I think it was theer with previous versions. Using an iPhone 4, when I set favorites, numbers don't always get the proper symbol (cell, work, home). I get some home numbers with the cell symbol, some work numbers with the cell symbol. Can't figure out the pattern; the symbols are ok in the directory itself. A bit confusing if you have someone in your favorites with cell and work numbers and the 2 names have the same symbol.
  5. Success here as well. Did the SyncMyRide download. Took ~45 min. Killed my Nav as mentioned on this forum; found it interesting that the install makes no mention of Nav not working without the new SD card. I installed this to get stability (will see after a few weeks...). I wasn't all that impressed with the new look. Yes, there are a few modifications I like, but for me the reorganization of the screens don't make it easier: I was comfortable with the prior display. First impression: I believe the so called faster response is due to the slower fade ion/out. You see the screen responding immediately, but what you actually see is the fade in/out activating. If that is the case, then this is a good application of user psychology. I founf the fade in/out is a bit jerky at times. Eventhough the Nav was not working, I could still see some new features in the settings. TraveLink now appears (new for us in Canada). Choice between GraceNote and embedded album art is nice. Noticed you can now turn off ambiant lighting (don't recall having that option before). Upgrade detail (notice 3.0.2): Confirmed Installations SYNC Version Gen2 - V3.0.2 BT4T-14D546-AM BT4T-14D546-AP BT4T-14D546-ED BT4T-14D546-FA SYNC compatible software BT4T-14F496-AP BT4T-14F496-AS SYNC compatible software BT4T-14F497-AM BT4T-14F497-AP SYNC compatible software BT4T-14F500-BE BT4T-14F603-AM BT4T-14F603-AP DA5T-14D546-AC DA5T-14D546-HA DA5T-14D546-JA DA5T-14D546-KA DA5T-14D546-LA DA5T-14D546-NA DA5T-14D546-PA DA5T-14D546-RA DA5T-14D546-SA SYNC compatible software DA5T-14D546-VA SYNC compatible software DA5T-14D546-XA BT4T-14F497-AP DA5T-14F657-AD
  6. I'd be very interested in hearing from any canadian Edge owner that got the update by mail.
  7. You might also want to check this thread: Address book download slows (halts) everything
  8. Since I've disabled auto-download of the address book, for about a week now, startups are now enjoyable. I can now use voice, navigation, steering wheel buttons, answer calls, as soon as I start driving ... as it should be.
  9. WHAT A RELIEF !!! Am I glad you posted this. It would take about 5-8 minutes before the Seek or Voice hard buttons would respond; the navigation would remain frozen all that time. Now, as you say, it's almost instanteneous. I admit I have 2300 contacts to D/L, but this is no excuse for other tasks to freeze in the meantime. Thanks!
  10. Sirius Canada did tell me they would start beaming traffic info. Yesterday was the first time I hit a highway since a week or so in Montreal. I too noticed the arrows; they are traffic indicators: teal for light/no traffic, yellow for some slow downs and red for heavy traffic. I've experienced all 3 situations on a 30 km stretch of highway. I was impressed with the relative accuracy of the traffic notices. I suspect Sirius Canada is currently in test mode, so we may loose this as soon as they offer subscriptions. Although I found this feature interesting, in itself it wasn't all that great for me. Unless you have your zoom level set at 10km+ to see what's ahead so you could avoid traffic, but I believe, as I do myself, that most drivers want to view half to one km ahead on highways. I bring down the zoom to 100m for city driving so I can see upcoming streets. This feature needs to be integrated with the car navigation system. The Nav system would get the traffic info and, assuming you have set a destination, would reroute you around traffic, as offerred in the States I believe.
  11. Got THE confirmation email yesterday: "... When the performance upgrade is released this first quarter of 2012, all existing customers with a MyFord Touch system in their vehicle will receive it. This will also include the updated Navigation SDcard..."
  12. Today I called my dealer (Montreal). He had received dealership communication that basically said the same thing as what us Canadian owners have received in the mail. When I talked to Ford Canada and after some digging on their part, it was confirmed to me that I would in fact receive the navigation SD card as well as the USB stick. They will send me written confirmation of this. Funny part: when calling Ford Canada, I selected "Mytouch" and was directed towards US Mytouch/Sync support. The guy there had no clue that many media in the States had publicized Ford Corporate's announcement that both USB and SD would be sent out; needless to say that he had not been informed by his own employer. I suggested that Ford North America wide, and yes that includes Canada, align with one story.
  13. Used to happen to me quite often on my 2008 Limited Edge; quite annoying thinking all is closed and locked but coming back after shopping and realizing your Edge had a big sign saying"steal anything you wish". It has happened a few times (1-2) on my 2011 Limited Edge. Dealert says there is no trouble log entry so he's clueless.
  14. Looking at the MyTouch list, notice how none of the IOS 5.0 have contact capability. Only IOS 4.2.1 has photo.
  15. Not to take the shine away, but Sirius Canada was saying the same thing last year about SIRIUS Traffic comiong out this year (2011). Also notice the reference to 2012? Being 3 weeks away from 2012, you would think they could be a tad more precise. Not trying to bash Sirius Canada (I have a subscription), but I think they have no clue
  16. Navteq provides the raw map data. Telenav packages it (ex: GUI). That's what the Edge had, has and apparently will continue to have. That does not mean every package contains the latest data; as some of you have mentioned, othe "packagers" may use more recent maps.
  17. I had my dealer install 2.11 on August 23rd and do notice some differences with yours done today; mine looks like: BT4T-14D546-AM BT4T-14D546-AP BT4T-14D546-FA SYNC compatible software BT4T-14F496-AS SYNC compatible software BT4T-14F497-AP SYNC compatible software SYNC compatible software BT4T-14F603-AM BT4T-14F603-AP If you buy that higher letters in the alphabet mean more recent, then the dealer's install seems more up to date. As I've mentioned in another post, my problems (numerous) in the past appear to have been resolved when I ditched my Samsung Omnia for an iPhone4. I still went to 2.11 and only issues noticed now are: 1- occasionally reverts back to some FM channel on start up even if I'm always on Sirius 2- occasionally some lag (5-10 seconds) when I'm inputting an address destination on navigation
  18. Got my Edge Limited with 2.8. Had a Samsung Omnia SCH-i910. Would pair, but a few minutes later, once on the highway of course, would disconnect. That was the least of my problems (fix was to disconnect/reconnect blue tooth on the phone). Sync touch screen would not respond until 2-5 minutes after getting in the car. I would experience lack of responsiveness randomly when in navigation, configuring, etc. THEN, one day, I switched to an iPhone 4. Well what do you know! Consistent pairing, responsive Sync from go. Honestly, I should have reused my Samsung to prove my theory, but I've wasted enough time on Sync bugs already. I'm not saying the phone is always the problem, but in my case, it looks like it. So, to all those desperate and frusted posters, if you are having serious issues, why not try a drive without your phone? No promises, but maybe...
  19. Or enable GraceNote in the settings
  20. My goal was to "simply" use the Edge's built-in WiFi (no USB WiFi dongle) as a WiFi client, then once I would have successfully connected to an external hot spot, second objective was to define the Edge as an Access point so I could have a laptop link wirelessly to the Edge's Access point and then go out to that vast Internet. Two observations: I've been trying to get this to work on several occasions over the last month, needless to say, without success; using my home secured WPA2, or even trying to connect to several public unsecured hot spots. And TONIGHT, it decided to work, with unsecured AND secured wireless networks. What changed? 2 things: 1- Cisco E3000 router replacing a Linksys WRT54G v5 router (Linksys still does those Exxxx routers, so I don't see this change of router a the key, but then maybe...); 2- For this test, I first disabled Access point functionality, tried to get the Edge to connect to an external hot spot through the Edge's WiFi client and finally reactivated the Access point functionality... and my wireless iPad was able to connect to the Internet, it worked !!! Anybody else experience this *delay in functionality* ? If my passagengers have wireless capability to connect to the Edge<s WiFi Access point, why not directly connect to the external hot spot and bypass Sync idiosynchonisms ?
  21. Interesting about bSquare, didn't know that. "...They deserve the blame for allowing the problems in the first place...". I could accept a starter company getting a blow-away demo from bSquare and being blind sighted. I fail to see how a veteran company like Ford failed to tell bSquare "let me play with this and see how it behaves under stress". Product may be about functionality first, but quality programming is about handling exceptions, not the mainnsteam normal behavior. For those of us who have done some serious programming, it's easy to write the main logic; the pain is handling all the exceptions. I agree it's a bummer for Ford. BUT. There's no excuse. In a $50k vehicule, I expect quality somewhere among all those dollars. I have two thougts: MFT or equivalent will be standard in all vehicules 5 years from now. So we're living the future now. That's the good part. Ford is as bad as Toyota in not acknowledging a major defect: I may be wrong on this one, so please correct me. Ford keeps marketing this thing as the 7th wonder. If I read a public statement identifying a problem and saw an engagement to resolve it within a clearly defined timeline, my tolerance would stretch. Show me the light !! I'm sorry, denial is not a good strategy
  22. You bring up an important point: being technically inclined WILL get you into trouble. Fixes first address the most commonly reported issues, so if I'm 10 levels deep in using options, chances are that my problem will (maybe) get resolved later, assuming enough people experience the same problem. I've had my Edge 2011 Ltd (v2.8) for 4 weeks and only issue so far is inoperability for 2-5 min. after start up. Even then, I've noticed different behaviors depending on what I do first. Just now, I started fiddling with the radio presets and right away everything else seemed to be operational. But I do witness weird behaviors once in a while: it's not perfect. What I find interesting reading these forums is that each member has his/her priority. Personally, I'm ecstatic that my phone now remains connected and that in itself makes me more tolerant of other issues. I had an 2008 Edge Ltd previously that would disconnect my phone's blue tooth connection after a couple of minutes. I remember being so sure it was a phone manufacturer issue, Well, same phone, new vehicle, it now works. Which brings me to another observation: I read how some people have issues so out of this world that I wonder if their problem is not related to some weird set of circumstances, particular to their environment or habits. Bottom line: there's no excuse for this not to work flawlessly, regardless of environment or habits. But the again, Microsoft wrote this (...) According to members and my personal contacts with my Ford dealership, Ford support is not up to par on Touch issues. At the same time, I read enthusiastic reviews about MyTouch: so what's Ford's motivation to pick up the ball? Slim. All we need is some highly visible individual or group on the national news claiming how, for example, someone got killed, distracted by their non functional MyTouch.
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