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Everything posted by cv27

  1. Same issue in Montreal. Only traffic seems to work; no movies, no gas prices, wheather from St-Albans for me. Gas stations and cinemas do appear but no info.
  2. 3.22 seems to be solid so far (24 hours). Played around with Nav, phone, radio to check functionality: all is good. It didn't fix one of my beefs: when saving a contact as a quick dial, it appears to only use the mobile icon. So if I want to save my wife's office and cell number, I'll see her name twice on the quick dial panel with identical icons (hard to figure which is which). Anybody else have this issue? Any work arounds?
  3. Speedy Gonzales !! 12 minutes to install? Mine took 45, others talk about 30, strange. I updated from 3.02 but that shouldn't matter as I believe 3.22 is a clean install. You also mention 'no resets': did you not have to re-enter your radio channels, re-pair your phone?
  4. Personally, the flashing circle helps me focus immediately on the screen as I'm driving (like the cursor trails on a laptop); mind you, Ford might have made the flashing a configurable parameter.
  5. Many of us had a similar problem with 2008 Edges. The problem then was a defect in the glue process of applying the chrome cladding to the wheel. The noise happened only when turning. Ford replaced all my wheels with versions with the correction. Might want to keep that in mind when you talk to your dealer.
  6. Intuitively, at least from my perspective, when I hit Max and hit it again after cooling down and given that Auto is still on, I would expect the temperature to go back to my set temperature, not stay at LO. I fail to see why this would be by design. But then, that's just me.
  7. Displays all the time on selected highways, not just on planned destination
  8. I suspect you put alot of hours into this. How much did you pay for the wreck and donor? Good job, looks brand new
  9. For me similar symptoms, but nothing to do with freezing up. Occasionally, I will press the button, it will squish out some liquid, but not enough. That's when I will push the button again and it won't squirt anything; push button 2-3 times: nothing. Then after a few seconds, push again and it does its job. Not a constant occurence though. As for the rain sensing, I find, sometimes, that it takes a bit too long to react so I need to increase the sensitivity. This usually happens when the rain is not coming down as hard for a while and then it starts pouring again. Other anomaly of the rain sensing is that it will flip the wipers once, in bright sunshine weather, then keep quiet. Very seldom occurence.
  10. OK, got mine today (Montreal), USB & SD. Have to give back the SD to my dealer since he lent me one last month. My package came from Oakville, Ont.
  11. A01 & A02 are dealer installs (see My link)
  12. It's actually APIM (Advanced Protocol Interface Module)
  13. Interesting how almost all topics on receiving the MFT upgrade by mail are sleeping... Seems to be true for US and Canada.. Granted not everyone receiving their update will rush to this forum to report but I would think out of more than ½ million Edge owners a few would? We're into the 6th week of mailing, supposedly (from March 5th). How long can bulk mail take?
  14. the Hit either the + or - magnifying glass symbols on the navigation screen and it appears at the bottom of the pop up list of distances
  15. Zoom = auto is new with 3.0.2. My experience is that under 80kmh zoom level is at 100m, above 80kmh it goes 200m. And no, I didn't try 160kmh to check out the zoom level there :rolleyes: I wish the zoom level would go down to 50m at speeds under 50kmh.
  16. I have my music on a 16GB USB. CDs are organized one per folder, all folders are root. I select a folder and hit 'play all'. The entire album plays fine till the end. Then a message says to select a device. The USB button is still highlighted. If I select anything else then select USB again, I get a message to the effect that the device could not be found (or omething similar). But if a go into search mode I'm able to select what I want off the USB stick and it plays. I can live with the work around. What is annoying is that false message that the USB stick can't be detected. Anybody else experience this?
  17. The service department at my dealer in Montreal Qc received 6 SD cards on March 26th. The service director also told me that those were "reserved" (replacement inventory for defective A3 cards or 11A1/11A2 recalls). 11A1/11A2 recalls are MFT upgrades that need to be done by the dealer. 11A3 is for the rest of us: wait for it in the mail. Apparently each Edge is identified to one of those 3 recalls. I also learned about recall 12M01. This recall extends the warranty on the APIM to 4 years instead of the regular 3. The MFT folks in the US informed me today that mailings to Canadian clients would start on April 2nd and last for "several" weeks; they did not know when asked what "several" meant. I got upset. I called the service director who reiterated that he could order an Nav SD card for me but I would need to pay for it ($165+) but he would reimburse me when I turn in the one I would hopefully receive by mail I got more upset. He then suggested I get Ford Canada to authorize him to give me one free of charge. Called Ford Canada, they settled that one pretty fast: of course they had no control over this. But they do have control over the mark up on the Edge for sale in Canada and let's not forget it's made in Oakville Ontario Canada ! Then I got too upset. I finally got my Nav card $0. I called my sales rep, reminded him how many vehicles he made commission on from me. 15 minutes later he called back to tell me I could pick up my Nav card. Moral of this story: don't too readily believe all that's being said, there is always a way, you just need to push the right button. I have to say though that my sales guy has an excellent relationship with the service department.
  18. Agreed, just found confirmation regarding TeleAtlas in an article TMCNet. So now it all makes sense, thanks.
  19. So, Telenav was the navigation software provider (GUI) for versions 2.x on the 2011 Fords and Navteq was the map data provider. We also know that Telenav is still the SW provider for 3.0.2. Press releases mention Telenav are still using Navteq raw maps. Anybody have specifics on what actually changed with 3.0.2 that made the old SD card incompatible?
  20. Why is the previous Nav SD card not compatible with 3.0.2? Anybody know? I've searched all I could but found no explanation.
  21. Hope you're right. I'll mention this to my dealer. Would make sense that if Ford sees a Nav card replacement through a dealet that it would cancel the mailing of the package to the owner.
  22. Did your dealer charge you for it? Mine says he has to since he needs to pay for it when ordering. He does acknowledge he would reimburse me when I bring in the one I "should" receive from Ford.
  23. I never remove my USB. With 2.11, it would reindex in my case every time I started the car and it took for ever. I haven't noticed with 3.0.2 since the indexing is so much quicker now. I'll pay more attention.
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