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Everything posted by cv27

  1. Do you need to remove the glove box or just reach behind it to get to the filter?
  2. Do you at least feel the vibration of the ABS? Winter, summer or 4 season tires?
  3. I've had this issue on 20", but rarely, actually once or twice. In my case though it was a fair chunck of ice. I find it difficult to think just a bit of snow would throw off the balance, but your experience says it all. It'll be interesting to see if others have the same experience. If so, then there is a potential design flaw on those rims.
  4. Yes, it's been unlocked since last week I believe. When Sirius unlocks for a free trial, all North American accounts get the unlock.
  5. In Canada, you will loose all that travel information (traffic, etc.) when you renew. You'll see that travel information once in a while when Sirius US offers free trials. I've tried for many years to find out why the heck Sirius Canada won't offer traffic: it's always the same canned response, "we don't really know but we think someone somewhere is brewing somthing on this and it could be offered sometime in some months". How does a company turn down an opportunity to offer a service to a client who wants to pay money? I suspect Sirius Canada is barely covering expenses so far, they're in survival mode.
  6. Even the previous version had an issue with DST. So GPS appears to get it right but MFT 'forgets' to adjust for DST
  7. I have found this in the Warranty guide: Some Maintenance and Wear Items Have limited Coverage Ford of Canada dealers will replace the following maintenance and wear items for 12 months or 20 000 km (whichever occurs first) from the original warranty start date, if required due to failure caused by normal wear and tear: Brake pads and linings Clutch disc Wiper blades This to me means they would replace, under warranty, pads or discs that have worn down excessively through normal use. It does not address in my opinion what I qualify as abnormal failure such as DTV. If you have had any experience settling this with your dealer or Ford, I would appreciate the details.
  8. I have the pulsating issue at 25000 km (15500 miles) on a 2011 Edge. Dealer says i's normal wear & tear, I disagree. I acknowledge it's a common issue but normal wear in my opinion is the pads getting thinner as you use them. I fail to understand how Disk Thickness Variation is tied in any way to normal wear. Sounds more to me a quality issue with manufacturing. I was looking at these posts to determine whether the 3 year warranty covered this issue. I'm confused by contradicting statements. Has anyone precisely determined if warranty covers or not?
  9. Same here, Vista roof slows down when closing at the last 6 inches, but speeds up again for the last 2-3 inches. When at about 6 inches, the wind visor starts to close: maybe that accounts for the slight slow down?
  10. The reboot instructions: --INSTALLING THE REBOOT SOFTWARE IN YOUR VEHICLE: 1. Start your vehicle and turn on the audio system. 2. Insert your flash drive (containing the patch) into your vehicle's USB port. 3. The installation process will begin automatically, and should take about 10 seconds to complete. A dialog box will let you know when the patch has been successfully installed. When the installation is complete, remove your flash drive from the USB port. 4. Turn off your vehicle's ignition for at least 30 seconds so that the system can reboot. 5. After at least 30 seconds have passed, start your vehicle again. Your vehicle's screen may be black for up to a minute. Then the "Performing scheduled system maintenance" screen will appear, and will last for a few minutes. In my opinion, leaving the key in, as long as its off, doesn't matter (cant validate, I have the push button start)
  11. 3.5; I have only 25000km on my 2011, so, no, I haven't changed the fuel filter.
  12. Octane used: 87, regular unleaded, under the AKI rating (used in North America, Australia, New Zealand); I believe the equivalent for your area would be 92 under the RON rating. Not sure what you mean by "expenditure", but guessing you're asking for the fuel mileage on my 2011. If so, I am now getting 12.5-13 L/100km city driving and 8 for highway, if I drive no faster than 90-100 km/h, which I normally don't.
  13. I currently have a 2011 Ltd but had a 2008 previous to that. I did get slightly better mileage with the 2011 compared to the 2008. I remember getting around 13-14 L/100km city driving with the 2008. Although driving style influences mileage, your 19 L/100km seems excessive. Have you thought of having a technician look into it? Sensors might be the culprits, but could also be plug wires, bad programming of the transmission, etc.
  14. Is the Edge synching different phones when you or your husband start it up?
  15. Canadian owners don't get all the goodies our southern friends do. For example, I've been battling Sirius Canada for years to get Travel Link.
  16. Sorry, I meant the software update version (not the Nav)
  17. Noticed the traffic colors in the last few days as well up here in Montreal Qc. Everytime I call up SiriusXM Canada about this, they have no information to share as to when the friggin service will be available in Canada, except to say it should be out in just a few months; only problem is that they've been saying this for the last 2 years. So, anyone know some more knowledgeable contacts at SiriusXM Canada that have some clue what the plans are?
  18. I guess Ford improved documentation since 2011. Here's what my manual says: Back-up method of starting: Your IA key uses a radio frequency signal to communicate with your vehicle and authorize your vehicle to start when you press the START/STOP button and apply the brake pedal. If excessive radio frequency interference is present in the area, or if the battery in your IA key is low, it may be necessary to start your car by inserting the IA key in the back-up slot, located in the center console. Insert the IA key into the slot with buttons facing out and with key ring up. So thanks for clarifying.
  19. The manual says "Insert the IA key into the slot with buttons facing out and with key ring up."; this to me indicates a vertical slot. The only slot I could find (it was dark) was a horizontal one, under the 12v plug, on the front wall of the console. OK, so give me another hint. It would be nice if the manual had a picture as well...
  20. I believe the variability of results depends on which flavor of 3.2.2 you downloaded. Mine was a clean (full) install, the one that got pulled a day later; as in WIndows for example, choosing 'clean' versus 'update' will wipe out everything before it installs. So I obviously lost all settings. That also explains the varying install times: mine was 45 min. versus some others at 15-20. For the record, I still have a fully functional MFT (so far...)
  21. Just for laughs, I called Ford's Invehicle Tech center and asked what was the issue with the 3.2.2 version that was posted then pulled: I'll spare you the details, the answer was 'unclear'. I give up, one detail: the person even suggested that part of the MFT software was on the Nav card. Amazing how they ask you to fill out a survey following the call. I would be asking my internal Ford support group for lots of details on this issue so I could get a good survey rating, but that's just me. I asked what were the differences between the pulled version and the official one posted on SyncMyRide: replay previous paragraph. The only clear message I recall was that I should get an appointment at my dealer so he could reflash my MFT. But the 'early then pulled' version I installed works just fine! My only concern as others have expressed is the compatibility of the next update with what I have now.
  22. I haven't done the research yet, but I seem to remember some posts (you?) about a total rewrite of MFT. Anybody have a status update on that one?
  23. Confusing how people are reporting different install times, some with glitches some without, some having to re-pair their phone and re-set radio stations some not. I D/L'ed the file pointed to by c_bova at the top of this thread and all still works fine post-install (45 min. in my case). It came from http://www.syncmyrid...datepackage.exe so how different can it be from the file others got through the "owners" page of that same site? And in what way was it "broken"? Hopefully Ford will be more explicit as to what was wrong and how to correct for those that already installed the supposedly broken version already.
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