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Everything posted by cv27

  1. I got the impression current owners wouldn't get the update when I read the first poster's article, specially the mention of a "faster OMAP 5 1.7GHz processor". Question for Rebecca FordIVTteam: My lease is coming to its end in May 2015. Will the 2015 Edge I will buy then come with Sync 3 ?
  2. At this point, before going the legal route, you might try another dealership.
  3. It's hit and miss, but I had one issue that I escalated to US service (I'm in Canada) and got some action. So, give it a try, what have you got to lose?
  4. I think some guys here got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I definitely think, I know for a fact it's a tremendously great idea to have an audible signal on Bliss. Seriously, without generalizing my own preferences, I would appreciate that one beep when I flip the turn signal. I would find that most useful, not waiting on a 2 left turn lane where I hope everyone is turning left, but more so at 65mph changing highway lanes. But it would have to be on|off selectable. I too find the yellow spot hard to see with the sun behind me. And for those who got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, before engaging in a turn, I look at my rear mirror, check the side mirror and, if I can see it, take note of the Bliss signal. Guys, the OP is not saying a Bliss beep would replace everything else. It's just an additional security measure, valid only if you don't rely solely on it.
  5. It's good to know a 64GB stick is supported; I thought I read that 32GB was the max. I play exclusively WMA (9.2) lossless at these settings: Bit rate mode: variable average bit rate: 754Kbps maximum bit reate: 835Kbps sampling rate: 44.1Khz sampling rate: 16 bit I just wish I could post FLAC settings
  6. Right. The point I was trying to make is this. I assume Ford conducts its own tests prior to letting EPA have a run at it. If the internal results were good, wouldn't that be an incentive for Ford to send out the request to EPA early on? Why delay? Unless there are some guiding principles such as "better have the assembly plant produce a few hundred units in case of issues"
  7. You can also look at the Fusion I believe to get some idea of what color is behind the name
  8. If Ford thought the 2015 Edge's mileage would be good news, why not announce it early and let the news percolate? Makes you wonder...
  9. Believe it or not, I do have a question Why is there still not any info on fuel economy? This forum is great for documentation, any type. Thanks Exodus and all the others that feed us.
  10. Waldo, Interesting comments. I knew someone would get me going somehow "Ford sells products all over the world. In a lot of places, they sell products that are based in English". So, i can deduct that in some "other" places, as opposed to lots of places, Ford sees enough incentive to accommodate regional locale? "But there are no laws that prevent them from doing so". But there are. For some people living in the US, it is difficult to understand how someone outside of the US doesn't speak English as a native language. The point I was trying to make was about 'incentive'. Yes, the Quebec government established a law that requires service/product providers to cater to the French language. I personally, given a choice between getting a service/product solely in English or nothing at all, would like the option to say "I'll accept it in English only for now", but thats a dangerous path in our North American financial world. That being said, again the point I was trying to make was 'incentive'. If I look at the Ford strategy for China where Ford apparently designed the MKZ and the MKC for the Chinese market, I can clearly see the 'incentive'. Microsoft, to give one example, initially went with the "doesn't everybody speak English?" route with its products; it soon realized it had to implement regional locales. Does anyone think, in the context of the current US economy, that a company should adopt a "take or leave it" attitude? The free market you are referring to makes me wonder: there was a time when the US$ was the worldwide currency and now it's being threaten. I would rather think the US economy, and Ford, would focus on maximizing their market instead of focusing on the 'local patch'. And I wish Canada would do the same. On the topic of Exchange rate, have you had the opportunity to look at the $CDN price for an Edge while the $CDN was higher than the $US a few years back? The constant is that Canadian prices for an Edge (refraining from generalizing here) are consistently higher than for our US neighbors after factoring in exchange rate and production costs. You mention Canadian dealer incentives: let me tell you the only effective incentive when buying a car is strong negotiation: if the advertised borrowing %rate is down, then the base cost is up and when the base price goes down then the borrowing %rate isn't so appealing anymore. Bottom line: how many US customers have tried over the years to buy a Ford from Canada and import it to the US? I suspect not many. I can tell you many, many Canadians have looked into importing a car from the US for financial benefits: the only constraint was Canadian dealers not wanting to respect the warranty on a US imported vehicle. It's a complex topic and can become emotional. Beware
  11. FordIVteam, care to address what follows the first line of my post? Just kidding, I suspect you won't. But that's the problem, no one wants to do THE statement. I'm surprised Ford Canada hasn't been sued reprimanded yet for false advertisement. The material provided when I purchased my 2011 Edge was clearly stating features that were not really available to Canadian owners. The more I think of it, Ford Corp should get involved. I realize Ford Canada is a separate entity, but it sells Ford's, which it theoretically buys from Ford Corp (and resells at close to $3000 more in Canada). And before someone gets me going on the exchange rate, I know, the $CAN is down at 90%, but let's not forget the Edge is built in Canada.
  12. As stated above, yes, Ford Sync works very well in French. Being francophone myself, I'm sensitive to companies providing their product in Canada in both official languages, French and English. Often companies will restrict their product offering in Québec on the basis that it would be too costly to provide a French version. I personally find this BS as I think it has more to do with a lack of business aggressiveness. But then again, if your market is North America, you may not feel the incentive to add a mere 8 million potential customers in the province of Quebec or 36 million in Canada. That being said, it is very frustrating in Canada to not have access to the Vehicle Health Report, or even worst, Sirius/XM traffic. My personal opinion: Ford Canada does not have a very strong position in the decision making process over at Ford Corp and may not have the culture to demand changes.
  13. On our 2011 Ltd with MFT, I found the sensitivity of the hazard touch button to be all over the place. It will activate while playing with the touch screen just above, probably because my palm touches the button. But when I urgently need to get the hazard on, just using my finger directly on the button, I'm stressed because it's a toss of the coin whether it will turn on. Maybe I just need to "play with the touch screen" when I want to turn hazards on?
  14. Waldo, I thought the SD card maps were from Navtek (software by Telenav). www.here.com appears to be a Nokia company. When did this change, or did I misinterpret your post?
  15. 2011 Ltd AWD, around 40 000 km, I'm getting between 12 and 14 L/100km, mostly city, heavy foot. I've seen 9-10 on highway with cruise control at 125-129 km/h.
  16. On the Explorer forum: apparently this 3.7 is a European version, not compatible with North America.
  17. The home page mentions "some" update, without identifying it by number or date, but my account says I'm up to date. So is that an old page about 3.6.2? Ford really needs to get a course on clarity...
  18. I don't follow the competition much. None the less, I was impressed with this guy's vision which I think is unique (may be wrong because of Ford bias). In my opinion, he's got the right words... http://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-ford-plans-to-win-the-future-like-a-software-company/#ftag=RSS56d97e7 For background, check this other article http://www.techrepublic.com/article/fords-don-butler-car-tech-wizard-connectivity-guru-bridge-builder/
  19. I would think the LED would draw less wattage than an incadescent. A 25 watt LED would be about equivalent to a 100 watt incadescent. The eBay offer mentions the need for a 'load resistor decoder', as I've seen in many posts on LED replacements for turn signals. Have you considered this?
  20. Good stuff. I couldn't find these on the Internet. Is this 'dealer only' material?
  21. Any idea what the vertical 1-2-3 left, next to the door lock? Seat presets? We also lost the glitzy speedometer display from the concept, too bad.
  22. Right, just saw the + paddle above the directional pad
  23. On that video that JimPA posted, is it just me or are the paddle shifters doing double duty as controls for audio/phone/cruise? If so, it'll be interesting to see the confusion.
  24. I personally am not comfortable with updates every 2 years. I find it difficult to think anyone traveling enough to use Nav would not run across a new or repositioned street or highway, a new development, etc. The Ford/Navteq design approach to updates relies on an all encompassing set on an SD card. In the dream world, a better design could have included differential updates a user can download, put on a USB stick or SD card himself and update the system on a more frequent basis. After all, Navteq claims "We keep our maps fresh, accurate and reliable by making 2.7 million changes to them every day" The other point is the $200 tag for an update, seriously? Would be interesting to know the Ford-Navteq split of revenue... Last I checked, Garmin isn't doing too bad at $90 lifetime; but they do have another source of revenue: the device.
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