Hi, Scott. It was great to read your message as your wife and I sound a lot alike as far as our vehicle desires. I too loved the Nitro...or so I thought. I too showed all of my friends the brochure, looked at it on line every day, etc. Then I got a chance to see one in person. Walking towards it on the lot I liked it even more than I had from seeing it on line and in the brochure. I was pretty excited at that point. Then I got in it. Unfortunately I never got to drive it (we are not permitted to drive over here in Korea) but just sitting in it and looking at the interior changed my mind immediately. It just felt so stiff and the interior looked really cheap to me. So, I decided to order the Edge site unseen.
I will be picking mine up on June 4th. I'm moving back to the US shortly before that, hence the choice of pick-up date. I am so excited, but a little nervous considering I've never seen this vehicle in person.
I hope you get good information about the fuel consumption and you are able to make the decision to go ahead and order it.
Oh, BTW - I too ordered an amethyst.
Take care,