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Everything posted by Special_K

  1. and the point of posting this 3 months later is......... would have been nice to see a bit earlier.
  2. No need to be befuddled.....its called a father and a son ;-), and wouldn't ya know it, I'm the son. I was just chiming in to the public forum and talking with ya.
  3. BTW the MZR platform is what i commonly mod, my personal speed 6 had 456hp on the stock bottom end and i helped Justin (freektune) and Bryan (BNR) test and introduce the S4 and S5 turbos. Those things are straight up monsters. Also the mazdaspeed stock k04 sucks about 35% more air than the stock 2.7 ecoboost BorgWarner 15 series, which heavily rely on cool air for power. I helped Justin with his old setup in the silver MS3 before he got his new record breaking white one. if you have any questions about either platform, feel free to ask
  4. Welcome to the small but fun world of the ford Edge sport world. Xtra already posted the parts thread that i have created with the help of the community. Please feel free to ask any questions we are all here to help and provide input for inquisitive minds. P.S. - Nick a quick glance at my not updated parts thread there is 32 aftermarket parts and about 8 that need to be added ;-) not bad for a small world :-)
  5. Maybe a poor choice of words right now, but i was just pulling your leg bud As long as my dad gets mentioned that's all that really matters to me.
  6. I'm just chopped liver over here eh ;-). And I havent been privy to this custom part...... Btw hows the foot?
  7. Alright folks i tried to update the master list a few times and each time i hit "update" the site flips out and doesn't except the updates. will contact admin soon
  8. Nick you are correct to an extent, yes it is the same block and turbos, but the accessories and their mounting points are far from the same. One of the big differences that heavily influences space is the Fusion that it has a 110 amp alternator while the Edge sport has a 150 or 175amp (cant remember which one) and thus the Edge's is about .75~1in deeper and if you reference our images you will see how close we come to the alternator. The fusion does have a bit more room in that department ;-). We found we could fit a max of 2.75" pipe however we felt it would be better to have smooth transitions and curves so we settled with 2.5" which is still a hell of a gain over the 1.75" stock and flows plenty for our goals. Next, sorry for the personal attack there, it was the wrong response however we take pride in our work and what we feel is right and short of take it personal when folks come in with skewed info (of which we have done in the past on accident and are trying to create a more complete and thorough testing and results). Our goal here isn't firsts, however it would have been nice to know that this was done when we first posted interest in this direction. This project isn't to prove anything to anyone or the platform, this is what we do with each of our vehicles as a father/son project and instead of keeping all the info to ourselves this go around we thought we would share it with the community and make it readily accessible to the interested parties.
  9. Slow and steady we go, we chose 2.5" due to it being a solid jump over the stock 1.75" and for space purposes. will update everyone on gains and the like.
  10. sorry for the thread silence folks, work and life has been insane recently. currently on the other side of the country, when i get back i will update the OP
  11. Nick thanks for the input! added! Hey Cree, Seems like you got the start of something fun! Any LMS tune is a great OTS tune! And with any modification to a vehicle there is always a risk, however with LMS it is minimal. Btw i would like to try and keep this thread clean, so please feel free to message me with a response!
  12. pull to the left would make the most sense since that is the shortest CV, last time i had an awd vehicle (mazdaspeed 6, aka the grandfather of your awd system) pull to the left like that the PTU was on its way out and not sending any power to the rear wheels. Best of luck yo you.
  13. Does this discovery warrant any change to the master list?
  14. The only thing i want you to ensure is that the flange diameter stays true throughout the entire pipe and does not taper!
  15. Correct but not know for quater mile accuracy.
  16. Totally correct! However hard to measure distance over time with a log tho ;-) aka drag time
  17. The vibrant t-bolt clamps we used can be found at most Pepboys speed shops. Fantastic quality and they hold firm! just a little pricey. Inside secret I'll let you in on, spray a little hairspray around the inside of the tube before attaching, this helps with the seal and a secure attachment.
  18. Snmjim please upload some pictures from Instagram......
  19. Was able to get links working, master list updated added added
  20. Draggy is a GPS module that attaches to your vehicle and provides acceleration data accurate with a tenth of second typically. HPTuner cannot provide this as it uses your cars sensors which are skewed from having larger wheels.
  21. I would be very cautious about running a tune based on the need of methanol... methanol should NEVER be the basis of a tune, instead an additive. Yes methanol can be used as fuel source to richen up a mixture, should it be used for that, no. A tunes AFR targets that based and only achieved souly on the use of meth is a very unsafe tune and can lead to engine failure. How you may ask, its simple.....meth will run out before your gas does. when you run out of meth and do not have a controller (there is not one for the edge yet) you run the risk of quickly draining you meth tank and the running lean, and we all know what running lean does to engine....BOOM. A properly setup daily driven tune vehicle has a fuel setup that can keep up with demands with 15% head room for colder conditions where more fuel is needed and a few other extremes. Meth is just an additive whose sole purpose is to lower boost temps and add a little more fuel not to be relied on as a fuel source itself.
  22. Added, thanks for the updates! Do we have part numbers for the mud flaps that fit?
  23. I have followed up with no answers sadly.
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