2.4.3 was a beta which was released, but then taken down due to abuse by novices who bricked certain modules. For a while, you could request a link if you had an extended or life time license. This 2.4.3 allows you to program modules. 2.4.7 is the latest but if you want to flash anything, it is preferred and recommended that you use a VCMII or VCMIII to do so. I do and have had no problems
You can find download links to the 2.4 series here: https://forscan.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=19552
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. 2.4.6 may cause problems and 2.4.7 will cause problems. 2.4.3 is best for now. Remember, Use a VCM not the Elm if you are going to program to be sure.