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  1. If it's not available through the settings for trips on the dash, her IPC may need updated firmware.
  2. If it's not available through the settings for trips on the dash, her IPC may need updated firmware.
  3. True, I mean for flashing you should use VCM. OBDlinks work also but way too slow when reflashing a module. They will do the flash but once in a while you get a time out failure. All failures I have encountered are when the adapter is slow and seems to time out. When I try again with a VCM adapter, which is really quick, I have never encountered a failure yet. I have 6 Fords in the family so I do a lot of repairs.
  4. 2.4.3 was a beta which was released, but then taken down due to abuse by novices who bricked certain modules. For a while, you could request a link if you had an extended or life time license. This 2.4.3 allows you to program modules. 2.4.7 is the latest but if you want to flash anything, it is preferred and recommended that you use a VCMII or VCMIII to do so. I do and have had no problems You can find download links to the 2.4 series here: https://forscan.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=19552 USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. 2.4.6 may cause problems and 2.4.7 will cause problems. 2.4.3 is best for now. Remember, Use a VCM not the Elm if you are going to program to be sure. .
  5. I think the IPC has to be flashed. ie. firmware update to the module which you can't do with forscan that I know. When I installed remote start I had to go to the stealership to have it updated. Sorry, maybe someone else can come up with a solution. Good luck.
  6. Yes, 2 things of note. One, you need the relay for it to work. Two, if you get flickering, you will need inline capacitors. Mine did flicker a lot.
  7. No, switch back will need extra wiring. I put these in and they are really bright and work well on my 2015 gen , No dimness or any problems casue the come with built in capacitors. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0742R3GLT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  8. How about the thumping? Is there some dimple or gouge in the old ones bearing race responsible for the noise? Inquiring minds need to know.
  9. I've had the opportunity to remove one on the driver side cause it got crushed. The underside was pretty clean and free of rust. I fixed it and put it back. I live in chicago and my 2015 has seen a lot of salt and grime. I can't imagine not having them. The whole bottom would start to rust quickly.
  10. I am in the same boat and gave up as being too pricey. https://www.4dtech.com/2015-ford-edge-sync-3-upgrade-for-myford-touch/
  11. This should show you all you need to know. Put in your VIN. https://www.ford-trucks.com/forums/vindecoder.php
  12. I doubt it very much. Either you must use your keypad or valet key.
  13. I really don't think these reservoirs hiss at all. I have never heard a hiss from my two vehicles, 2012 and 2015. But I do make a mark with a magic marker when it is full cold so that I can monitor any leakage. Every time I lift the hood for any checks, one of them is to give an eyeball to that mark to make sure all is OK. Cheers.
  14. True, they look great with a very good fit but do let air in. You can only notice this at very high speed. Not very loud at all. I'm happy with them especially during the rain since they stop any water from getting in with the window open up to 4 inches on the highway, 2 inches while stopped.
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