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Everything posted by snmjim

  1. snmjim

    20171012 162012

    From the album: SNMJim

    Stock 2016 Edge Sport weight empty of contents and half tank of gas
  2. Since many have been requesting 2016 Sport IC Pics and are anxiously waiting here's what our IC R&D session provided Pic wise:
  3. To access/remove the Day Time Running Lights (DRL) on your 2016 Sport you will need to remove the front/facia which takes all of 30-45 min once you know how. Ref ??? I removed my DRLs for the purpose of spray tinting since after careful examination noted that attempting to tint with overlay wrap was not going to workout to look good given my overlay experience of nill. So spray tinting was the choice. I used VHT Nite-Shades (Ref Pic). They recommend no more than three coats but I opted for 2.5 even moderate coats and got the affect I wanted (Ref Pics), Clean surface with alcohol or any cleaner that doesn't leave a film i.e. lighter fluid. Tape off. Hang up in a dust free environment, with Temps & humidity in the manufactures recommended range. Spray one coat at a time evenly with 15 min between coats There you have it...da, da daaaaah!... 2016 FORD EDGE SPORT DAY TIME RUNNING LIGHT.pdf
  4. My list of "How-Tos": Completed: Tstat Front Emblem Strut Tower Cross Brace DRL Tinting Soon To Be Authored: Front/facia removal AGS removal & Mod (dropped CAI Temps 20 degrees) IC Grill removal & Mod (dropped my CAI Temps 20 degrees) IC R&D Pics Notes: - I've also posted some updated Pics in my gallery after the spring job. - There's a Pic of the scale weight with my car empty other than gas - I'm running the Qtr in the 12s - I stayed ahead of Special K's (heat soaked) Supercharged tuned A4 from a 20 mph rolling Qtr mile start and crossed the finish at 110mph using e30
  5. Special K & I just last Wknd R&D the front of our 2016 Sport and found answers to multiple topics on the forums. In this case there was question as to what's holding the front emblem on and can it be removed while on the car and what's holding it on. They say a Pic is worth a thousand words so here's the simple answer, no it cannot be done without pulling off the front. However, we're in the process of authoring several how-to documents with Pics that we'll be posting in the near future... As I said before...most of us have jobs and have to fit this time consuming effort in so be patient...
  6. Ok, I'm going to get us back on topic... Unleashed Tuning & the use of e30 Info I'll be happy to provide under the appropriate topic or PM. Unfortunately or maybe more like fortunately there's not much of a need to provide install instructions on this issue since it is as simple as it gets/appears... Basically you attach the left & right mounting brackets to the strut towers using the existing two of the three strut mounting bolts. Then you attach the cross brace between the left & right mounting brackets connecting the two...da,da, daaaah!... :hat_tip: Here are some Pics:
  7. snmjim

    20171014 174500

    From the album: SNMJim

    Qtr mile runs against Special K's tuned supercharged S4 Audi.
  8. SJCabose, A performance IC & true CAI Sys would be totally awesome & GREATLY appreciated by many!... At the moment those are our two major sticky points, of course more will follow as we knock out the big ones...
  9. MD, Crofton & Ambitious Whips Car Clubs meet at IHOP parking lot in Gambrills, MD. Tonight and every Wed night and starts 1900.
  10. MD, Crofton & Ambitious Whips Car Clubs meet at IHOP parking lot in Gambrills, MD. Tonight and every Wed night and starts 1900.
  11. MD, Crofton & Ambitious Whips Car Clubs meet at IHOP parking lot in Gambrills, MD. Tonight and every Wed night and starts 1900!
  12. Looking down the road logistically. Special K & I are working with BNR for R&D to come up with better performing bolt on turbos. BNR has many years of ecoboost turbo development and is willing to take this on. However they require a donation of one from each bank. Pricing & availability will come after the R&D process.
  13. Special K & I are working R&D with BNR to come up with better performing bolt on turbos. BNR has many years of EcoBoost turbo development and is willing to take this on. However, they require a left & right turbo donation. Pricing & availability will come after the R&D process. 2016 Edge Sport 2.7 Turbo Info: Left p/n: FT406K682G Right p/n: FT406K682F Cross Models: 2015-2018 - Edge Sport 2017 & 2018 - Fusion, Continental & MKX
  14. Looking down the road logistically... Special K & I are working with BNR for R&D to come up with better performing bolt on turbos... BNR has many years of ecoboost turbo development and is willing to take this on... However they require a donation of one from each bank. Pricing & availability will come after the R&D process... Watch out Bishop you won't know what hit you...3 N a group from 300 yds...
  15. Thnx for the moderation akirby... Updated my post accordingly...
  16. Stay N your foxhole soldier & note the hierarchy... Wishing U the best of luck... :happy feet:
  17. There are rule makers, followers & breakers... Which ones do you think are enjoying life the most... :rockon: BTW, most copyrights generally pertain to reproduction for profit... Note: The sooner all interested parties chime in the sooner I can make this happen...
  18. THNX 2 U Xtra & a few other rmembers like yourself...;-)
  19. Anyone interested in sharing the cost for the Ford Edge 2016 Factory Manual Deluxe Edition (pdf) $130? https://www.factory-manuals.com/expand-ford-edge-2015-2016-2017-factory-repair-manual-563.html
  20. Anyone interested in sharing the cost for the deluxe factory manual $130 +/-? https://www.factory-manuals.com/expand-ford-edge-2015-2016-2017-factory-repair-manual-563.html ...
  21. Yes, We finished the 87 & 93 Octane tunes and now in the process of doing e30... We're also working with the Dyno manager for scheduling... Yeah, you gotta love the less than desirable communications with Torrie... If you go to the SCT site they do have the firmware update download for the X4, they did for my 2016 not sure about the 2017...
  22. Latest CP-E Update: Per Kelly Saquin (CP-E Rep): I spoke with our R&D engineer. We won’t be designing parts specific to the Edge Sport, but we can test fit the parts that we release for the Fusion Sport. We can keep your information and contact you when products are released. We are expecting the release our Rear Motor Mount in the next few weeks. I will have our R&D Engineer reach out for test fits.
  23. gjb89 wrote: Spoke to Ron Miller at CP-E and asked if they had any plans for offering an IC for the edge and he said "We do not plan to make them. But if I could get 50 preorders I would make a batch." Price - Still up in the air. He said it would be similar to the fusion which is listed as $449 So let's create a feeler. Add your username if you would preorder one. 1.gjb89 2.always on edge 3.snmjim
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