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  1. The more I dig into this, the more I see that this is all part of the Evaporator Housing assembly. I"m assuming there is a door on the inside that the shaft attaches to. I"m guessing I may have to get creative to reattach the shaft to the door OR replace the whole evaporator assembly which means a dash tear down and big bill from the mechanic.
  2. So I'm finding several surprises in the used 2013 Edge that we bought for my daughter to take to school. The latest is with the AC blend door on the passenger side. I did the typical resets to get the passenger side actuator to recalibrate and could hear the motor cycling, but that didnt' fix the issue to I opened up the glovebox to take a look. The actuator works fine, however I found the cam arm (white L shaped plastic arm that connects to the arm from the actuator) was not connected to the side of the housing. The black post in the middle appears broken off (still in the cam arm) and there is a hole in the side of the housing where some jackweed had shoved in 4 zip screws. This pic is from a good unit, but the D shaped stud in the middle of the top white cam linkage (in the red circle) is what is broke off close to the housing. So here is my question. The post is D shaped which would indicate to me that the cam arm doesn't rotate on it freely. Is this post attached through the housing to something else that needs to move (I believe the blend door itself is attached to the cam on the other end of the metal arm)? My inclination is to try to epoxy the post back on or to reattach it to whatever is inside the housing but I am having a hard time finding any diagrams or drawings of what the actuator actually attaches to. There are plenty of diagrams of how to attach the actuator motor to the arms...but nothing on the arms and what they attach to and operate. Any insight or visual aids would be appreciated.
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