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Everything posted by Tightanium

  1. 2016 Tightanium with 30k. No leaks. Oil changed at 28k and looked fine. Probably didn’t need to do it but since I have a drain plug I’m not taking any chances.
  2. Maybe Ford thinks that there are to many people like me and never use it? I’m not saying they shouldn’t offer it just I don’t have a need for it. I don’t like the delay .
  3. Ok so you said Ford has a recall. Doesn’t that mean they have to change it for free? My F150 had a master cylinder recall and as soon as they got the new ones in they changed it. Could it be the 10 year, 150k is like a deadline and you have to get it in before that or your SOL For the repair?
  4. When I was in Utah for Chrismas last year I purposely found hills , ice and thick snow to test out how well the AWD system worked. It worked really well. Like MaX83-ZA said. You can feel the power going to the tires that have traction. So a little jerky feeling with the steering wheel as the fronts would spin then grab. And the added traction in the rears helped keep the vehicle moving. This is my first AWD vehicle as I always had 4x4 truck. I feel just as safe in my Edge as I do in my truck.
  5. Mine has been good. Fluid came out pretty clean. 25k. Im lucky my 16 Tightanium has a drain plug.
  6. Yep. That’s the one I was thinking it was. I used RTV. The reason I used RTV was I’m thinking it would be easier to clean up if I had to remove the weather strip. There was a thread here about this already if you want to research more. I put A thin bead on the strip itself then pushed it on the pinch weld. Be sure to use the smallest hole in the tube because you can push the tip inside the weather strip, slide it along the opening and no RTV is visible. Unless you squeeze to much in there. Close door for a day. No drips no mess. So far so good.
  7. If you’re talking about the rear door one yes. Had to use rtv to help keep it on.
  8. My Edge was made in Canada. That’s closer to America then China. I’m good with that.
  9. I keep thinking hard on this one and it’s hard for me to pick something. Some of the above complaints did bug me but I don’t dwell on them. I guess I’m easy to please. It is what it is. That’s how it was made. I don’t have any squeaks or rattles but that would be a bummer..couldn’t stand that. So the only thing I came up with is it shifts out of 6th gear way to easy under the smallest acceleration. I couldn’t be more happy with the Edge. So far so good.
  10. Reliability is definitely important but to me if it’s a but ugly vehicle that I can’t even stand to admire every time I walk up to it and it’s the most reliable car in the world. I won’t buy it. Like chefduane said. The Edge fits in my current lifestyle and I really like the looks. As a bonus I like the Edge better then the Mercedes it replaced.
  11. Tightanium

    Gas Milage

    I was thinking that had to be a 2.0. The best I got is 25.4 in my 3.5.
  12. Got to be small to fit in the back seat. Cool though.
  13. I was surprised how good it looked also. Maybe build date or plant has something to do with the different ptu’s 4/16 Oakville plant is mine.
  14. A little more then 11oz came out. In my opinion the fluid was ok at almost 28k miles. On my car its not to hard to do so no big deal to do it every 30k. But it probably would last longer. The size difference of plugs also.
  15. The small plug near bottom is a drain plug.
  16. I have a 2016 Tightanium 3.5. It does have a drain plug. The fill plug has a magnet on it also. The dirty plug has lots of metal on it.
  17. I used clear silicone. But it’s only been one month. What a pain that these don’t stay on.
  18. It’s been almost 4 months driving through red lights and my nuts are still tight as the day I rotated my tires.
  19. I thought the signature light was the DRL. If they aren’t , then I don’t have them either or it’s not turned on for that mode.
  20. I’m going to get some now. Looks good. I have heard they take some time to get full brightness. So is it good usable light? Can you see better now?
  21. 5k. 35 watts. Probably what I’ll get. Still should be a big difference.
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