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About matthewgerber

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  1. Hi all, I've become very religious about tracking the fuel efficiency on our Edge lately (of course). I haven't been exactly thrilled with our day-to-day mileage. I'd like to invite all of you to join me at the site http://www.fuelly.com to track our MPG together. There are only a couple of Edges there now, so it's difficult to compare what others are getting. I keep hoping more will show up, but I've decided to take matters into my own hands. If you decide to sign up, feel free to add me as a friend for tracking purposes. You'll find our Edge here: http://www.fuelly.com/driver/matthewgerber/edge Thanks!
  2. Sorry to hear you're having this issue too. I actually haven't taken any more action on this yet. We've taken two road trips in the last month and had the warning pop up several times each trip. I again am able to rule out tire pressure as a culprit, as I check and re-check the pressure religiously to ensure top gas mileage and because of this warning issue. I'm tracking this until my next scheduled oil/maintenance visit to the dealership, and we'll see what we think then. It is very frustrating though. I wish someone at Ford could just point to a solution and implement it. If the TPMS is faulty all around, I want them to replace it while under warranty, of course. If reprogramming the system will do it, they need to try that. Some action is better than none. I wish you luck!
  3. Wow! I hadn't even considered this possibility. I'm really glad you posted, as I am about to buy a hitch mounted cargo system/trunk. I've been wanting to get this (which I've seen sold under a different name as well, I forget where): http://www.hidden-hitches.com/basket_carriers3.htm Now I'm worried that the exhaust might damage the carrier. Does anyone else have a system like this for use on their Edge (or other vehicle with this potential problem I suppose), and have any feedback? I could rivet a plate of something like .063 aluminum onto the cargo trunk itself where the exhaust would hit, I suppose. I'd hate to have to modify something new and expensive though (for warranty issues), and there would be no guarantee that it would work well anyway. TIA
  4. I just wanted to chime in again to make certain that my particular problem is understood by all. I am not referring to the typical "Low Tire Pressure" warning that you get when a tire is actually low. In my case, this has ben working just fine (two instances, both correct). The issue I have encountered time and time again is a warning stating "Tire Pressure Sensor Fault", meaning that there is something reported as wrong with the system itself. The dealer and I have been monitoring this since taking delivery. See my first post for the details. Thanks for the interest and input!
  5. This might sound stupid, but I assumed that this was a "climate control unit" more than what I would typically consider an automotive "air-conditioner". I noticed right away that there wasn't a total blast of frigid air assaulting me from the vents, and thought it odd. However, even on the way home from the dealer (+/- 30 min) I found the interior temperature nice and steady...actually kind of a nice change from always fiddling with the controls to get it "just right". I've never been in a BMW or Mercedes or the like...do they blast air out at high volume? I do know that on trips, my kids are ALWAYS complaining about it being too cold in the back seat. I usually keep the system between 65° (hot weather) and 68° (moderate weather). The car always seems to be a pleasant temperature. I think the quiet volume of the system is great for my phone's bluetooth headset, too. That's my experience with it anyway. (2007 AWD SEL w/towing, in Central Callifornia)
  6. Right. I should have said that we have had all four tires off and checked in the water tub (multiple times). Checked the rims, stems and sensors themselves. The system works fine other than the fault (had two low pressure warnings, correct each time). I see a bunch of folks have checked out this post. I'd certainly love to hear if anyone else has experienced this as well. The more info I can uncover, the better I'll be able to work with my service department. Thanks!
  7. Hi all... long time lurker, finally posting. We've owned a 2007 Edge SEL (everything but the Nav - mostly an around town vehicle, have an iPhone for directions) since March 2007. Ever since taking delivery, we've had an intermittent problem, which I've never seen addressed here. I just received some new info from my dealer, so I thought I'd share! Seemingly at random, the vehicle would deliver a Tire Pressure Sensor Fault warning. It happened during road trips, it happened around town. Nothing seemed to be amiss with the tires or their pressure. The in-town dealer told us that it was the same as a Low Tire Pressure warning, but I didn't buy it (nor would I have bought anything else from them, especially the Edge!). We had made our dealer aware of this right away, and it has been looked at by three dealers. No one had an answer, and I never saw a TSB on this. Thankfully, during scheduled service this week, we were able to deliver the vehicle with the Tire Pressure Sensor Fault active. They connected it the the diagnostic computer, and were able to at least get an error code: B2872/B287A. The Symptom Code Information on this error indicates that certain cell phone chargers or similar devices may interfere with the wireless connection between the tire sensors and the TPM system receiver. They specifically call out model MOTMINIVPC, a Motorola charger. We have a similar charger in the vehicle but rarely have it plugged in. However, we do permanently keep a Belkin plug-in charger with audio-out in the console power point with a mini-stereo cable plugged in to the AUX jack for our iPods and my iPhone. Ford recommends that the dealer have us provide the charging device and the discharged cell phone so they can perform a road test and try to replicate the issue. Since this struck me and my dealer service manager as silly, we're keeping an eye out for this ourselves. Also, if this is the extent of the problem, I'm just not likely to worry about this issue at all any more. Since most wireless set-ups like this TPM system and plug-in electrical devices are likely to 1) cause interference and 2) are required to accept interference, there's not much I can do about it! Anyway, this outlines a problem we were having, and a possible explanation. I hope anyone else searching for info on this issue finds this helpful! Drive on!
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