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Everything posted by 1004ron

  1. No, the Ford collision center kept it - maybe they gave it to the worker that butchered it. They installed a new LED signature light, which doesn't even required the removal of this cover, but that's just another indication that the worker was unqualified/untrained.
  2. Tried it , but they didn't bite - anyway, its cheaper from Ford. Hello, Thank you for contacting Auto Data Labels. We only sell to Collision Repair Centers fixing a customers vehicle that has been in an accident being repaired through insurance. The information you have provided does not show that you are a Collision Repair Center. However, if you are a collision repair center please provide your shop information along with the first page of the Insurance Company estimate (not your shop estimate) and either email back to Labels@AutoDataLabels.com or fax it to 631-586-0128. Thank you in advance for understanding our position. Respectfully, Auto Data Labels Respectfully, Auto Data Labels, Inc. 44 West Jefryn Blvd, Suite K Deer Park, NY 11729
  3. Used their online chat and now have the part number and its ordered. https://parts.ford.com/en.html part # FA1Z-1503050-A for the decal. It will show on the diagram as 19A698C https://parts.ford.com/shop/en/us/decal-7793775-1
  4. Thanks, I'll look at them if all hope fades of getting an original Ford product. Edit: I just called (631) 667-2382 and was told that they only sell to body shops etc. which is odd because it looks like they take orders online.
  5. Thanks, that's the number on the right bottom of the sticker, which doesn't produce any results in a search.
  6. Yes, the plastic cover and plastic rivets are all genuine parts, but they come without the decal.
  7. The cover was replaced, but the problem is it comes without the label, and I can't find a source for the OEM label. Trying to keep it looking original.
  8. The plastic cover above the radiator was replaced and a third party decal applied, which is peeling off. Looking for help finding a genuine OEM replacement decal but can't find the part number - would really appreciate help finding this. Its the one on the left with the AC gas and oil details.
  9. The Ford Collision centre replaced the plastic cover and plastic rivets, but the information sticker on the left they order from a local printer, and it looks slightly smaller and is starting to peel off. Where can I purchase a Ford sticker?
  10. Remember, BAD news spreads much faster than good news.
  11. Introduced with the 2015 Ford F-150 is a twin-turbo 2.7 L V6 EcoBoost engine. Correct, around 3 to 4 years, but still long enough to know if there's any major systemic issues. https://www.wardsauto.com/engines/2018-winner-ford-f-150-27l-ecoboost-twin-turbo-v-6 https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2016/04/best-ford-f-150-engine-smallest-one-can-buy/
  12. Good idea, since its always the reputable products that are counterfeited. Counterfeit products have been found on Amazon, but I doubt you'd see that in Walmart.
  13. There's been a few reports here of the plastic pan seal leaking, but haven't seen any new reports lately. No reports of problems with the plastic drain plug, nor the plastic camshaft covers.
  14. 1004ron

    oil leak

    Until you clean it and monitor it to see where the oil leak is originating, its all guessing and speculation. Is it an AWD - if so it could be the PTU.
  15. I don't think $8 is too pricey. I've switched to the K&N at $11 Also, I plan on replacing the drain plug every 4th or 5th oil change at $7 https://www.amazon.com/Motorcraft-FL-2062-Regular-Oil-Filter/dp/B010QU0SPU/ref=pd_rhf_ee_s_rp_0_2/138-5233908-9525115?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B010QU0SPU&pd_rd_r=f5c12ae9-7787-4634-a334-61cb1d191114&pd_rd_w=KxesR&pd_rd_wg=K26h9&pf_rd_p=2f64e549-0497-4586-8c63-7905e90fd6a2&pf_rd_r=CPFZCPE900VRWQSJEV0X&psc=1&refRID=CPFZCPE900VRWQSJEV0X https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LAXYY02/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01JAU88JK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  16. Occasionally you may find used ones on eBay, but the local wreckers yard is normally your best bet, but not sure if that's the case in your location. Don't know of any other online source for used parts like this.
  17. K&N's are manufactured in a few locations in the world, and it could be that the one is from Korea and the other from Mexico. The recent ones I bought for my 2.7L are made in Korea, which would be my preference of all the locations. I'd be OK with it if I could see that the anti-runback valve was silicone and the filter media appears to be the same material and number of pleats.
  18. I think I share your opinions - keep it to just this forum/site - I wouldn't bother clicking on the alternate site, let alone create another ID and PW for it. The owner of this site must own the other splinter sites seeing as the other sites were promoted here, and I suspect doing this is more to do with revenue generation than a harmonious group of auto enthusiasts.
  19. If a new forum/site has been created for the ST model, why bother to maintain a subsection for that model on this forum/site?
  20. 20 days since I last checked, and it must be the lower ambient that has increased the amount of separation, so much so that I don't think that it would make the 5K miles oil change interval.
  21. A tip, when you come looking for advice at a place like this, take just a little time and effort to describe what you've already tried, and the results.
  22. Always best to follow a diagnostic approach, which could have saved you the cost of a fuel pump and control module. First thing to try is a squirt of starter fluid, and if it runs on that it's a fuel delivery problem, if not, then start looking at valve timing etc. Check for error codes - Autozone will loan a code reader to you if you prefer not buying one. What engine? What's the mileage, and service record, oil change intervals, spark plugs, ............. the more pertinent information you provide, the more likely you'll receive meaningful suggestions.
  23. I clicked new posts and only saw yours, not the previous comments about the latest Ford approach of doing away with the cooled feature. Quite odd that they can get the seat bottoms to work well but not the backrests.
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