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Everything posted by 1004ron

  1. Be very careful with those, the "Magic" in them is abrasive and will damage textured and gloss finishes. The Warning Label Melamine foam erasers work well; but on surfaces that are painted, polished or easily scratched, they might work a little too well. It's recommended to test the eraser on a small, preferably unnoticeable, portion of whatever you're looking to clean before you dive on in. https://www.wired.com/2015/09/whats-inside-mr-clean-magic-eraser/
  2. I've read that and tried it, and can confirm that it "works", but for a very short time - the oil just masks it for a little while. I've found a small firm brush with detergent or mineral spirits to be the most effective long term solution, followed up with frequent use of 303 UV Protectant
  3. Not sure if you tried the search function? https://www.google.com/search?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fordedgeforum.com+water+pump+internal+leak&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS769US770&oq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fordedgeforum.com+water+pump+internal+leak&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i58.12382j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on
  4. I'd recommend the same. I did multiple drain and fill just last week at 46K miles, and each drain was a fraction over 4 quarts. I used almost 12 - 13 quarts - last quart was used to top off and get level exact.
  5. Best price, and even better when on sale like Memorial Day, fast order processing and delivery. I recommend them.
  6. Thanks @omar302 I'll just install the new tires and take a chance with the existing TPMS sensors and valve stems. I've still got to find a local installer for the Aturro AZ850's that I bought a while back when they were on special with Simple Tire.
  7. That's my experience with my 2017 Sport. I have another question, I'll be replacing my tires soon at 50K miles and 2 years 9 months - should I replace the sensors at that time, or at the next tire replacement around 100K miles 5.5 years? Google suggests the sensors are good for 5 to 10 years.
  8. I think non-interference engines are very scarce these days, .......... maybe a Tesla ?
  9. That looks like it's road debris stone chip, which mine has a few. I frequently inspect and touch those up.
  10. What don't you like about the existing PTU threads?
  11. You could use the app "Forscan Lite", or disconnect the battery for a couple of minutes to reset the stored error codes. If the light is sustained, then the repairs you did have not corrected the problem, or all the problems, that caused the light to come on. If the light comes on, and you correct the problem it will not longer stay on, although the error code will remain stored. BTW, this forum subsection is for "Forum Help & Site Suggestions" - you might attract more response if you PM'd a Moderator and asked them to move it.
  12. With the NA 1 15 the NAV voice prompts always cut off the end of the sentence, which is fixed with the latest update.
  13. We should consider the risk of an unsuspecting member trying such a daft idea.
  14. Here's a tip for you - https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/mark_twain_103535
  15. Thanks. Saves me going to the owners manual this evening, because on the way home from work I realized that it's not something that will grow on me.
  16. This morning I used the Navigation for the first time going to work. 1) It routed me off the interstate at the next exit which is not the exit used previously - had the same happen previously with one of my Garmin updates, then a later update corrected that. 2) The map orientation on the screen is different - now the top of the screen is always North, whereas before it kept your route facing the top of the screen - something I might get accustomed to, but doubt it - when approaching a turn the orientation of the pop-up on the right of the screen is way different to the map which is compressed on the left, which looks really odd.
  17. Me, I don't gamble. If the oil light comes on, I stop the engine immediately until the problem is clearly identified and resolved - always trust the oil pressure instruments until proven wrong, and until then, don't run the engine.
  18. Anyway, you've creacted enough PTU threads, ignoring the long standing existing ones - for anyone else visiting here, I suggest that you go here:
  19. Well I have a model that came with a drain plug and there is no such thing. Post the pic, lets all have a look.
  20. Try again......... My PTU came with a drain, and it does not have extra reinforced metal around the plug. Where did you get this information from?
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