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Everything posted by 1004ron

  1. The source of the leak could be any one of the many brake components (calipers, master cylinder, ABS unit, ........), and without an inspection there's no way of knowing.
  2. None of those are auto electrical specialists - mechanics usually only have a very basic knowledge of electrics. https://www.google.com/search?q=auto+electrical+service+Norfolk+Virginia&ei=DkgqYc6kKLmJwbkPy6StmAE&oq=auto+electrical+service+Norfolk+Virginia&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCAghEBYQHRAeOgoIABBHELADEMkDOgcIABBHELADOgsIABDkAhCwAxCLAzoGCAAQFhAeSgUIPBIBMUoECEEYAVCMyQNYh80EYNbYBGgBcAB4AIABuAGIAZAIkgEDNi40mAEAoAECoAEByAELuAECwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjO44bQ9tPyAhW5RDABHUtSCxMQ4dUDCA4&uact=5
  3. I wouldn't use them again. The MAF is not typically the cause of those codes - an intake manifold vacuum leak is more likely. It would be better to take it to a reputable dealership or independent shop to get it diagnosed - you could throw parts at it and get lucky, but that normally costs more in the end.
  4. I've never used any such product and have no such issues.
  5. Not a long term fix, and unlikely it will be effective for this type of head gasket issue, but you've got nothing to lose. A friend of mine has just installed a new engine with nothing offered from Ford - they said that he'd need to pay for a strip-down and diagnostics and only then would they decided if they would extend any "good will".
  6. What made you think that it needed the MAF replaced?
  7. There's a few threads on this and the below one seems the most promising:
  8. My 2017 Sport has 71K miles on it and going strong.
  9. The second set The second set of these rotors and pads are a little better than the first set, but I'll be going back to solid rotors before these are worn. I welcome recommendations for solid rotors and pads.
  10. Could it be related to the market that this Sport/SEL was sold in - Azerbaijan
  11. Welcome. Please add your location and vehicle model and year to your profile signature - https://www.fordedgeforum.com/settings/signature/ There's differences in the models for certain world wide markets.
  12. Welcome. Nice - my 2017 Sport has 70K miles on it.
  13. Yes, full synthetic is superior to the synthetic blend and its the same viscosity. I'm sure that you'll find that listed in your owners manual.
  14. My dealership just confirmed that the parts are on back-order and due middle of Sept (didn't say which year).
  15. 1004ron


    What model and year? - please add that to your location and Model / Year to your profile signature - https://www.fordedgeforum.com/settings/signature/ You posted in the section that has the below notice, and without the vehicle details we don't know where your thread should go. Forum Help & Site Suggestions Follow 5 STOP - This section is reserved for topics on how to use this site. DO NOT use this forum for Ford Edge discussion.
  16. The thread tag lists it as CRC. With so many variables I doubt that a motorist could accurately determine that the CRC intake & Turbo cleaner resulted in 0.8 mpg improvement - you'd need lab conditions for that. https://www.amazon.com/CRC-05319-Intake-Valve-Cleaner/dp/B00PHNQKR2
  17. You first posted in the ST section - moved here after you posted here as well. Please update your profile signature with your location and vehicle model and year - https://www.fordedgeforum.com/settings/signature/
  18. Get the stored error codes read and post them here. Being an ST it should still be under warranty - best get it to a dealership. Please update your profile signature with your location and vehicle model and year - https://www.fordedgeforum.com/settings/signature/
  19. What's your theory on the cause? No harm listing the product used and how it was used without suggesting it was the cause - that would have some benefit to those that may be considering this type of cleaning, and whether they really need to do such cleaning. Edit: I notice you have "CRC" in the thread tags.
  20. @ssc sorry to hear about your misfortune. It sounds like you believe its the intake cleaning that caused the failure - could you tell us what product you used and the procedure, and what about it you think caused the problem. I don't recall anyone else posting an experience like this. I've got 70K miles on my 2017 ecoboost and haven't seen the need to do any such intake cleaning.
  21. No such problems on my 2017 Sport. You've got a few miles/km's left on the warranty, so take it in. Please consider adding your location and vehicle Model/Year to your profile signature - https://www.fordedgeforum.com/settings/signature/
  22. Have you done the wiring changes mentioned below? https://sync3programming.com/Sync-3-APIM-Programming-for-FORScan-via-Email-p112322808
  23. Dan told you what others have been advising here.
  24. My understanding is that the APIM needs specific programming in addition to a few Forscan parameters.
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