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Everything posted by 1004ron

  1. I've driven a company car Fusion (2 OFF) for the past 8 years and very happy with the styling, performance and servicing, now that I'll be losing the company car, I need to purchase my own ride. In Jan or Feb 2017 I plan on buying an Edge, 2016 or 2017, but undecided on options. Engine: One of the Fusion's had a 1.5L Ecoboost engine and the performance was impressive, but my concern with the Ecoboost engines is longevity and major maintenance such as intake fouling due to Direct Injection, so has me leaning towards the 3.5L V6 FWD vs AWD: I've never owned an AWD so can't make the comparison myself - I'm in Kentucky and we occasionally get snow more than a foot deep, but I've always managed with FWD. There's been very few occasions where I've longed for what AWD could offer in the ice and snow. In my case, is it worth the extra for AWD? Package Options: This is another area of indecision, but secondary - I don't plan on Build your Own, so will need to settle on the options on the vehicles that my Ford dealer has in stock.
  2. 1004ron

    Edge Sport

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