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Everything posted by 1004ron

  1. I too can't access that link - Windows Edge browser at work. Active noise canceling retrofit - Printable Version
  2. 112K and no carbon issues on the valves or piston crowns when I looked at around 106K miles. After all my indecision I bought a Catch-can and its working well.
  3. Quite likely you added it to your profile in the correct location, BUT the forum has a long outstanding issue with that not displaying, hence the request to add it to your signature. Settings - Ford Edge Forum
  4. Please add your Model & Year to your profile signature - https://www.fordedgeforum.com/settings/signature/
  5. Welcome. It sounds more like windshield installer incompetence, which I've experienced a number of times. You could take it to any place like AutoZone and they'll read and clear the codes for you - report back what codes so that we'll know if they're related to the windshield.
  6. Welcome. What specifically scares you about the "EcoBoost" ? - Many Honda's and other brands use turbo chargers these days, and likewise direct fuel injection. BTW the Fuel Pump and EcoBoost aren't really related.
  7. Did you buy OEM replacement parts? What's the part numbers of the ones you're using? How about a photo showing which joints you're having trouble with.
  8. What are you using to read codes? - I ask because I've got first hand experience of other readers coming up with nothing while FORScan Lite did find codes.
  9. It is best to do the alignment after replacement of this type of suspension component.
  10. Welcome. With it being an interference engine there's bound to be piston and valve damage.
  11. Universal Catch Can Hose 3/4" x 4' | Mishimoto PCV/Fuel Rubber Hose, By The Foot Hose & Tubing | Damond Motorsports
  12. Your best option is to buy the catch can kit from a reputable supplier which includes hoses with the appropriate specification. I expect that the correct hoses don't only meet temperature and pressure requirement but also a vacuum specification. Ex. High-Temperature Vacuum-Rated Coolant Hose  
  13. That's what happens if you go with the el-cheapo catch can and its hoses.
  14. Yes. Is yours FWD or AWD? Please add your Model & Year to your profile signature - https://www.fordedgeforum.com/settings/signature/
  15. My catch can gets full at about 1000 miles, so I empty it every second or third gas tank - that's in winter and its a mix of oil and water. In summer I empty it less frequently and its mostly oil. If your PCV is good then it might be excessive crankcase pressure causing the catch can to fill at that rate.
  16. Welcome. I also have a 2017 Sport and at 112K miles now and haven't seen this at all. It sure does seem similar to what's reported in the TSB. TSB 19-2188.pdf
  17. Correct - there's a few tire size calculator sites such as the one below. Revs per mile 687 vs 680 delta 1.0% https://www.wheel-size.com/calc/?wheel1=265-40-21X9.5ET40&wheel2=275-40-21X9.5ET40&fcl=50mm&wcl=30mm&scl=50mm&sr=0mm https://www.willtheyfit.com/index.php?width=255&aspect=50&diameter=19&wheelwidth=9&offset=37&width2=315&aspect2=35&wheel_size=20&wheel_width=11&offset2=28
  18. Please add your Model & Year to your profile signature - Settings - Ford Edge Forum
  19. Some of those code readers aren't reliable with Fords, so I suggest a basic OBDII dongle and the free app FORScan Lite. Veepeak OBDCheck BLE Bluetooth OBD II Scanner Car Check Engine Light Code Reader, Auto Dual Mode Bluetooth Diagnostic Scan Tool for iOS & Android
  20. I find the electronic/digital version way more useful mainly for the word search, and don't need my reading glasses.
  21. I change my PTU oil at 30K miles, and sometimes less miles than that - I wouldn't go over 30K miles.
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