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Everything posted by 1004ron

  1. Best get the stored error/fault codes read and that should offer some direction - I'd guess that it's the evap system, but reading the codes is the way to go.
  2. Agree, if those were holes, you'd have an issue going through a car wash - drain holes are typically at a low point and protected against water jets.
  3. The administrators finally responded and created the subsection - 2019-Current Edge & Nautilius
  4. Generally I use OEM but for this being a non critical device and two OEM ones didn't last as long as I'd expect, I went with the DORMAN 994073 at around half the price from RockAuto.com.
  5. CEL triggered again on the way home from work. Gas tank filler cap seal is good. Just read codes and installed a 3rd party evap valve. First evap valve replacement in Oct 2021 at 71K miles and second at 110K miles. ---------------- ===PCM DTC P144C:00-EC=== Code: P144C - EVAP System Purge Flow Performance During Boost Status: - DTC Maturing - Intermittent at Time of Request - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC - Test not complete Module: Powertrain Control Module Freeze Frame #1: Freeze Frame #2: -EVENT_TIME: 254234679 s (Thu Jan 30 16:15:12 2025) - Event time -TOTAL_DISTANCE: 177194 km - Total Distance -FUELSYS: Closed Loop - Fuel System Status (Open/Closed Loop) -LOAD: 62.35 % - Calculated Load Value -ECT: 93 °C - Engine coolant temperature -SHRTFT1: -3.12 % - Short term fuel trim 1 -LONGFT1: 7.81 % - Long term fuel trim 1 -SHRTFT2: -2.34 % - Short term fuel trim 2 -LONGFT2: 8.59 % - Long term fuel trim 2 -MAP: 144.0 kPa - Manifold absolute pressure sensor -RPM: 2784 1/min - Engine Revolutions Per Minute -VSS: 118.0 km/h - Vehicle Speed -SPARKADV: 10.00 ° - Spark Advance -IAT: 12 °C - Intake Air Temperature -RUNTM: 1429 s - Time Since Engine Start -EVAP_PCT: 0.00 % - Commanded Evaporative Purge -FLI: 59.61 % - Fuel Level -BARO: 98.0 kPa - Barometric pressure -VPWR: 13.01 V - Control Module Voltage -TP_REL: 34.12 % - Relative Throttle Position -TAC_PCT: 44.31 % - Commanded Throttle Actuator Control -RPMDSD: 600 1/min - Desired Idle Speed RPM -O2S12: 0.66 V - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (bank 1, sensor 2) -O2S22: 0.50 V - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (bank 2, sensor 2) -TQ_CNTRL: None Requested - Torque Control Requested -ENGOFF_TIMER: 32784 s - Timer since Engine Off -APP_FLT: No Fault - Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Status -MISFIRE: No - Engine Misfire currently detected -IAT_F: No Fault - Inlet Air Temperature Sensor Status -ETC_TRIM_LRN: Yes - Throttle Angle Offset has Learned -TP_F: No Fault - Throttle Position Sensor Status -MP_LRN: Yes - Misfire Profile Correction Learned -MAF_F: No Fault - Mass Air Flow Sensor Status -MAP_F: No Fault - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Status -APP1: 1.92 V - Accelerator pedal position sensor 1 -APP2: 0.96 V - Accelerator pedal position sensor 2 -TP1: 2.84 V - Throttle Position Sensor 1 -TP2: 2.18 V - Throttle Position Sensor 2 -GEAR: 5 - Gear Commanded -GEAR_OSC: 5 - Gear Command by Output State Control -TSS_SRC: 2771 1/min - Actual Turbine Shaft Speed -OSS_SRC: 2770 1/min - Actual Output Shaft Speed -TFT: 63 °C - Transmission Fluid Temperature -TR: Drive/OverDrive - Transmission range ===END PCM DTC=== ===OBDII DTC P144C-C=== Code: P144C - EVAP System Purge Flow Performance During Boost Status: - Confirmed - malfunction is confirmed
  6. Where did you hear this? I don't know about Android, but IOS (FORScanLite) and Windows is still available.
  7. Looks like USPS is on a go slow strike in my area - takes about a week to get past my local distribution center which up until now was one day, max two days. Installed last night and its back to normal operation. The butchered plastic covers also have some odd grey bonding which must have been done by SafeLite. Unlike some of the YT videos I've seen, the gel actually covers the lens, and the gel on the old one was covered in dust/debris.
  8. Yesterday on my way home from work with just over 1/4 tank of gas the check engine light came on. Stopped to gas up at Costco later and read the codes and got P144C - cleared codes and it hasn't reappeared. Looking to replace the evap purge valve for the second time on my Edge. Considering a Dorman replacement this time - $40 on RockAuto.com 2017 FORD EDGE 2.7L V6 Turbocharged Vapor Canister Purge Valve / Solenoid | RockAuto
  9. clay0708 you could just pull the hose and add coolant to bring it back to normal working level, but is it due for complete replacement on mileage/age? Also, check to see if yours qualifies for the upgraded transmission linkage bush. .
  10. On my wife's 2015 Mustang I went with OEM Ford components to upgrade it to Sync3 which included the larger screen at a cost of around $1,300 and more recently for my wife's BMW X5, that replaced the Mustang, I went with OEM components at a cost of $1,700, and if faced with the choice I'd do the same again.
  11. I usually buy from RockAuto.com but they don't stock this type of part. eBay I find is typically the highest price these days or fakes. I was right, the Ford place I bought from drop-ships using RevolutionParts - Sell OEM Parts and Accessories - won't be using them again.
  12. What online parts sales sites do you use? I ask because the place I bought the above-mentioned rain sensor at is very slow and appears to drop-ship - they don't carry stock. https://www.onlinefordpartscatalog.com/
  13. Driving without the oil dipstick will not impact the oil pressure, unless the loss of oil is such that the oil pump loses suction.
  14. If I had Sybc2 I'd definitely get this modification. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEQy8pUX4aM
  15. So that we can all understand what you're referring to post a link to where you read that a catch-can is able to influence the oil pressure.
  16. There is no way the catch-can can impact on the oil pressure.
  17. Welcome. I found the info and video posted in this thread is more than adequate for the replacement - what specifically do you mean by "the ones above dont seem to work" ? Have you actually tried it and if so what part of the process are you having difficulty with?
  18. I tried, but don't really understand what you're asking, and struggle to see how it relates to what I posted. .
  19. @Haz Do you have any instructions on how to remove and install the two rain sensor covers - I ask because I've watched both windshield installer struggle with this and resort to brute force. Edit: I found this on the forum which covers my query. .
  20. Parts ordered - will be a project for the weekend of 1/25 I added the two covers because SafeLite and RiteWay installers butchered them. Lesson to others, when you have a windshield replacement make sure its OEM glass and not a Chinese knock-off, and make sure all related functions such as lane guidance and rain sensing is in 100% working order. .
  21. Welcome. The system will automatically learn the new TPMS locations after a wheel rotation.
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