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Everything posted by junehhan

  1. Congrats! The Explorer Sport is a great choice. I did consider an Explorer Sport, but the Edge Sport was at the upper end of my budget. They are impressive with the 3.5 litre turbo. It is not much of a top end engine, but it has insane torque early through the mid range. I had that motor in my Lincoln MKT and it was a beast driving through Northern BC and the YT.
  2. I am guessing that Ford did not design it to work that way with the amount of power you are putting down as I do not have that issue on my stock Sport. Of course I am also not brake torquing the launches as I am simply jockeying for position when the light turns green as I need to be in the lane some Camry is occupying. The AWD display appears to automatically send 50% of the power to the rear axle by default when you hit the gas up till the 3rd gear up shift where it appears to go to FWD operation.
  3. Got ya. I am surprised how there is so little in the way of available performance parts considering the potential.
  4. Is the stock intercooler a problem on our cars? I thought that it was supposedly pretty effective.
  5. Thanks for the update. Mine does it in both D and S mode. Of biggest concern is that the rpm fluctuations get worse when the car is fully loaded. I had 5 adults in my car a few nights ago for a dinner meeting and it almost felt like it was bucking as I was heading up a steep cut in the hill on I75 as soon as you cross into Kentucky. I was looking at the tach and it appeared to be fluctuating as much as 300rpms while driving up at 59mph in 6th gear with cruise control on. I spend a lot of time in cruise control as it is the single best way for me to stay out of trouble with the speed cops. Because I have a lead foot, I usually easily end up at felonious speeds otherwise. I am supposed to take it in to the dealership this Thursday morning, but probably will have to cancel as I am going to be insanely busy for at least a couple of months.
  6. I think your wife drives too slow. That kind of mpg would be the envy of even a FWD SE with the twin scroll 2.0 litre.
  7. I also had a 2014 Fusion a Titanium with the 2.0 and got very good fuel economy. At 60 mph, it was around 34. At 65-68, it got 31. At 72 mph, it got 29 mpg. I exclusively ran it on premium fuel which also really flattened out the torque curve.
  8. Also keep in mind that these Sports have a pretty small fuel tank. It will get better as I am now at 24 mpg after 1300 miles on the highway at 60 mph. City driving is usually not very kind to these vehicles in general as idling and accelerating uses a lot of petrol.
  9. Out of curiosity, do you also notice any engine rpm fluctuations or speed blips on the tachometer when you get these mini surges at low rpms? If so, how many rpms do you see in the fluctuation?
  10. Yeah, all of which is why I am trying to get a scantool. I may have to order it as I originally thought a speed shop like Jegs or Summit would carry them in store. I long for the old days when things were not as complex and engines came in 2 sizes. Small block and big ass block.
  11. I have never heard of TB problems manifesting itself within such a narrow rpm range, but who knows. Once I get a scantool, it should allow me to see if timing is being retarded or boost pressure is surging.
  12. p I think that package is $300-400 on the new Escape. There is supposedly a heating element at the base of the windscreen that heats that part up to keep the blades of the wiper from freezing. I wish the 2016's had it, but that is ok.
  13. AWD was optional in 2015 and became standard in 2016. Start with a car fax.
  14. I would have thought that the wifi would be more reliable than Bluetooth. BT has always been problematic for me with other devices although my Windows phone has been my first instance of not having trouble. I was hoping you guys might have tried this unit as it appears to be the one that will do all I need. Personally, I prefer wires as I am old school.
  15. https://www.scantool.net/scan-tools/smart-phone/obdlink-mx-wi-fi-scan-tool/ What do you guys think about this one for $159 with the Ford program? I know it is pricey but this one appears to be able to do a lot more than most of the other ones. I have used the MSD Dash Hawk which did a lot of stuff, but it will not support any newer Fords.
  16. Yeah. I am starting to believe that what I am seeing is something that is not normal that is on the border between being normal and not normal. This means that this will be something that the dealer probably will not be able do much about. I am still taking it in next Thursday as there could be an ECM update or something else. I am starting to think that I may be able to fix this with a call to Livernois and maybe buying a custom transmission only tune that keeps the engine from lugging. Maybe have them only modify the shift points so that the engine never lugs below 1700rpms. If I can document that the only thing I ever did was modify the shift points, that could be much safer than going all out and getting a full blown tune as those can almost guarantee a voided warranty in the event of a powertrain or drivetrain failure. However this would be the first time I have experienced this. My 2.0 never did this and my 3.5 in the Lincoln MKT never did this. Of course the 2.0 is a single turbo only setup. The MKT was pretty darn amazing as that sucker would pull like crazy up the steep mountains in Northern BC, Canada from as low as 1200rpms without a hiccup.
  17. Well traditional 4WD or a traditional AWD setup utilizing a Torsen center diff or viscous coupling is pretty reliable and durable. It is these Haldex like systems that make me very nervous, but these are pretty standard with FWD based platforms.
  18. Ok. I am now 99% convinced that this is not transmission or torque converter related. Our roads are so bad that I could not hear it, but I had a meeting out of town and took some hilly rural roads to avoid the disaster they call I-75. Each fluctuation in rpm gets accompanied by some noise from under the hood. It only does it going up an incline in one of the overdrive gears when the engine is below 1700 rpms with it most likely to occur between 1400-1600 rpms which would be below 58mph in 6th. I cannot tell what the noise is as our cars have so much sound deadening. For those of you guys for whom this is your first GDI engine, this is the quietest I have ever experienced(my 3rd GTDI engine). What I am hearing has a rumbly or hissy sound to it. None of this exists once the engine is over the 1700 rpm threshold or the engine is not in an overdrive gear. Could this be spark knock?
  19. You are correct. Back in the Chevy days, I spoke with a few very famous tuners and they all exclusively street tune instead of dyno tuning. Their responses were similar as they especially talked about the dangers of tuning AWD vehicles on AWD dynos. When I asked why, they told me that AWD dynos tend to not be as close to tuning for something most daily drivable. That said, experience and skill also play a huge role. I suspect Livernois is probably some of the most skilled and knowledgable with regards to these Ford engines. If I molest my ECM, it will likely be Livernois.
  20. Data logging would be what I want to do. It would be nice to be able to continuously record rpm, line pressure, boost, a/f ratio, spark advance, and so on to get a picture of what the car is doing at any given time.
  21. I will have to check it out when I take it in for service next Thursday morning. AWD systems have always scared me so I would like to replace the factory fill with a really high performance lube such as Redline or Amsoil.
  22. So us new Edge owners are good? When I bought my Sport last week, I had completely forgotten just how bad the older PTU setups have been. Does the PTU still need to be removed to change the fluid?
  23. Out of curiosity, are these newer Edge and Edge Sports still as susceptible to PTU failures? Are they any easier to change the fluid? I remember looking at PTU fluid in an older Escape are marveling at how horrible the fluid looked at just 40k miles.
  24. My biggest dislike so far is the insane amount of torque management Ford programmed into the transmission. This is my second experience with the 6F55 with my first brush being in a Lincoln MKT with the 3.5 Ecoboost which was not like this. I know a call to Livernois will solve that, but I also would like to refrain from molesting my warranty. My biggest like so far are the seats. These are some really good supportive and comfortable seats in the Sport.
  25. For those of you guys who have had your Edge and Edge Sports for a while, what are some of the common rattle and squeak points in our wagons? I know cupholders in the center console tend to be common, but am not very familiar so far.
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