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  1. I wonder if Ford themselves make the wheel or outsource them? If they are made by someone else, anyone know who and I can possible trace it back that way
  2. Greetings Can anyone tell me a correct color match paint for the charcoal colored 21" wheels on my 2017 Edge Sport. The local Ford dealer doesn't have a paint or paint code for them. TIA
  3. roots57 The whole package including speakers, amps, labor etc was just around two grand. A lot to spend on a leased vehicle but worth it to me as a quality system is one of the most important parts of a car in my opinion.
  4. I copied this from another thread where we were discussing the same thing. Love the stereo now! As far as noticing a difference in sound from stock Sony to the Kenwood/Maestro install, it's like night and day. To my ears the system sounds fantastic now, best I ever had in any car I've owned. I also had the center channel dash speaker along with the front and rear door speakers(left in the stock tweeters) and sub woofer replaced as part of the upgrade. Also as a result of the install I lost the rear pillar speakers but honestly if I wasn't told, I wouldn't have known. Before the stock system was way to muddy sounding and not nearly as crisp as I prefer. Now I get much more punch along with way more clarity especially at higher volumes, more ratta tat tat on snare drums rather than boom boom boom. The lower bass could be a little tighter and more powerful but I'm happy. I lost all the eq adjustability from the head unit but everything can be adjusted on a Kenwood app on your phone which is kind of cool to play around with. There's either preset settings for rock, jazz, pop etc or you can flip a little switch on the amp and tweek every little setting using the pro setting. That gives you all kinds of different eq sine waves to set, all Greek to me but after experimenting with some I found a setting for me that's awesome
  5. John Thanks so much for the research and the tip, worked like a charm!! That issue was buggin the crap out of me for months. All is well now Again , Thanks!
  6. John Going off topic here but what the hell I never got an answer anyway, actually, I called Ford and asked my question directly and was told there wasn't any way to increase the volume of the chimes. I guess it's a result of the upgrades that were done. As far as noticing a difference in sound from the Kenwood/Maestro install, it's like night and day. To my ears the system sounds fantastic now, best I ever had in any car I've owned. I also had the center channel dash speaker along with the front and rear door speakers(left in the stock tweeters) and sub woofer replaced as part of the upgrade. Also as a result of the install I lost the rear pillar speakers but honestly if I wasn't told, I wouldn't have known. Before the stock system was way to muddy sounding and not nearly as crisp as I prefer. Now I get much more punch along with way more clarity especially at higher volumes, more ratta tat tat on snare drums rather than boom boom boom. The lower bass could be a little tighter and more powerful but I'm happy. I lost all the eq adjustability from the head unit but everything can be adjusted on a Kenwood app on your phone which is kind of cool to play around with. There's either preset settings for rock, jazz, pop etc or you can tweek every little setting using the pro setting. That gives you all kinds of different eq sine waves to set, all Greek to me but after experimenting with some I found a setting for me that's awesome.
  7. Is there a way to adjust the volume of the chimes from when you first enter the vehicle (2017 Edge Sport) along with the collision warning and front/back/side sensor chimes? Not that I want them loud but all of them in my Edge are barely audible. I did have a shop upgrade my stereo with a new Kenwood Excelon amp and iDatalink Maestro unit several months ago and the chimes have been low volume since the install. If that's the cause and there's no adjustability then that's fine, but if it can be adjusted I'd like to know. Also which speaker/speakers does the chimes come from? TIA
  8. I do have the latest update for both and I've also tried to connect with two different phones while we were driving in different areas with the same results. Trying to connect while up an running doesn't work but then upon restart of the car it'll connect maybe 70% of the time. I haven't tried the master reset yet but I'll give it a shot next time I cant connect. Thanks
  9. Lately I've been noticing that my phone wont connect to my 2017 Edge sport w/Sync3. The screen will read "connect to phone" and even if I try to connect manually, it wont connect. I've tried it with different phones with the same result. Sometimes as soon as I fire the car up she'll connect. other times, no luck. Anyone have the same situation and resolution?
  10. I ran an update to my Sync3 in my garage last night connected to my home Wi-Fi but didn't see any difference.The new update was downloaded and after that was done and with Apple Carplay accessed through my iPhone, Waze didn't project to the the screen in my 17 Edge Sport. Is the update available now or is it something coming soon?
  11. That's what I'm talking about, I had my count wrong on the chimes though Now that I've had the stereo upgrade done those chimes are barely audible.
  12. I don't know whether we're talking about the same chime ( or tones, bell sounds etc ) but I'm referring to the tones when you first start up and the touch screen fires up. It's nine (three sets of three) tones used and like I said they're barely audible now after my recent stereo upgrade. If it's not adjustable then no big deal, I just like stuff to work like it's supposed to. I'm getting the rear door speakers replaced tomorrow to match the new front ones so I'll check with the installer then. Thanks
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