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Everything posted by lildisco

  1. I ran mine through the wiring harness going through the spare tire well, through the drivers side panels to the mini fuse panel in the drivers foot well. Pretty easy & used a extend a fuse or add a fuse & wired it to something that only turns on when the power to the car is on, like the radio I believe.
  2. I wired up my 2020 SEL AWD pretty easy. I think that the hardest parts were popping the taillights off, getting the bolts through the frame rails & getting the power wire for the trailer lights through the tire well. On a scale of 1-10 it was ~4. Probably would have been easier if I had a helper, but wasn't terrible. I installed the Curt Class 3 hitch & curt trailer harness. I believe that both were purchased from HomeDepot.com as they were the cheapest at the time the downside to the aftermarket hitch is that it sits ~3-4 inches lower than the factory location & if you had the kick to open the hatch feature, it doesn't work as good, unless you buy the kick sensors meant for the Edge's with the factory towing package.
  3. The Altimax 365's did really good tonight in the 'dusting' we got tonight. Only thing I had to worry about it was the other people on the road being stupid. So far I'm impressed. We have ~1,500 mile on them with this being the 1st 'snow'.
  4. Year & Model? I find that mine, not factory setup 2020 SEL AWD, comes on when parking lights are on when the doors open or close & stay on for a few seconds after the doors close then go off. That's probably due to the aftermarket trailer wiring kit, Curt, that ties into the the drivers side Taillight with a plug & play harness. I'm not sure about the OEM setup, but I imagine that it's similar.
  5. Stayed home from work to not spread the germs. Worked from home till about 2 & then decided to throw the winter rubber on our 2020 SEL AWD. Had some free time time to undercoat or touch up the undercoating with Fluid Film. Oil life monitor is at 55%, so it's teasing me. If the weather is decent enough tomorrow, I'll clean the summer rubber & then hit it with McKee's 37 Hydro Blue before storage.
  6. Winter Rubber installed on our 2016 SEL. General Tire Altimax 365. Rides about the same as the summer rubber, maybe a little softer ride, only have ~15 miles on them. Also did an oil change while I was at it & drained the Catch Can. OLM was at 49%. Also touched up the winter Undercoating. Only took about 3 cans since there's already a build up of the stuff now. Battling a cold, so it took me a bit longer than normal to complete.
  7. Bought these last year & have 1 mild Ohio winter on them with my 2020 AWD. General Tire Altimax 365. Local tire store recommended them & they've never sold me a bad set, in 15+ years of using them. Didn't get much snow last year so I didn't have the ability to really try them out. The OEMs left me stuck in my mom's driveway when it was below 0 out & I decided that's the last winter for them after 2 years & under 20,000 miles. Don't really have a complaint, except for the price $190/tire. They do have a $100 rebate right now till the 31st. It was also time for winter wheels on our 2016 SEL Fwd this year, so the local tire store also recommended these. https://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?tireMake=General&tireModel=AltiMAX+365+AW&partnum=46HR8AM365&vehicleSearch=true&fromCompare1=yes&autoMake=Ford&autoYear=2016&autoModel=Edge FWD&autoModClar=SEL
  8. They're sensitive. Assuming that you're referring to 14v while running? What's the battery like when the car isn't running for awhile? You're also checking 1/2 the battery, voltage is 1 thing, but amps are another. Assuming that your car hasn't had the battery changed since new, you're fast approaching a replacement. My 2020 started showing signs of a weak battery when the start / stop function quit working. I've now been putting it on a trickle charger when not in use & everything has been working fine on the original battery. I suggest replacing the battery as well as resetting the Battery Monitoring System. Sounds like you're not too far away from being stranded.
  9. Home Depot having a sale on Fluid Film cans for under $6/can. Just bought out my local Home Depot. In store ONLY https://www.homedepot.com/p/FLUID-FILM-Long-Lasting-Rust-and-Corrosion-Protectant-Lubricant-and-Penetrant-Solvent-Free-Non-Toxic-Non-Hazardous-Lanolin-Based-AS11/311803920?emt_ppq_vfpd
  10. It's sitting ~74,5xx currently, so ~5,500 miles. Shifting seems to be the same, if not a little smother. I don't have any complaints yet. I'd like to see what color it is after another 20k & possibly get an analysis, but that's going to take awhile.
  11. Sounds pretty normal to me. I bought an engine cover to lessen the noise
  12. I have 2 baby blinds in the back to get the Sun out of the kid's eyes. So it makes the back look darker than what it actually is
  13. What's an aftermarket OEM licensed product? I don't see many manufacturers endorsing another product than OEM, unless it's made by a different company, like Mobil1 & then rebranded as OEM. If you think that I'm arguing with you, I'm not. I'm genuinely curious.
  14. Oh I agree that they're different specs, but I've seen other companies do the same thing
  15. It says Mercon V/LV on the jugs, but are you saying that they didn't actually do the testing to say that?
  16. Booo that stinks. It pops up from time to time. I believe that MacT has reviewed it, but I'm not sure if he's done an analyst of the fluid or not.
  17. Great deal on a 3 pack of LV Fluid. With tax, comes out to ~$18 per jug for me from Amazon: https://a.co/d/1wADj8f
  18. If you did a blind test between the 2.0L Ecoboost, 3.5L Duratec & 2.7L Ecoboost, 99.999% of people wouldn't be able to tell the difference, if not more. The 2.7L Ecoboost would have much more pick up compared to the other 2,but I highly doubt most people would know the difference between the 2.0L Ecoboost or the 3.5L Duratec. It's the old stigmata that people stick to that make them think they need the V6 because of how heavy it is. I bet if you hoped into any edge with the 2.0L or V6 with the same drive train you would not be able to know which engine it has.
  19. Just keep your foot off the brake when you push the start/stop button & you'll be able to have the car on, but not running.
  20. They're usually in the back under specifications. Mine was under rear axle
  21. Not specific for the ST, but should be similar:
  22. I'd check your Owners Manual & verify. Most of the horror stories are from the previous gens that didn't have 'serviceable' components. I believe that you're stuck with only 1 manufacturer, Motorcraft, that makes the RDU fluid, Motorcraft XY-75W-QL disconnect fluid. The PTU has more options available. Redline Lightweight Shockproof 75W140, aka Smurf Blood, is what I & many others use. Others prefer Amsoil. However, I'm not a Sport/ST so I don't know if they're different or not. I can tell you that I've changed both twice in 31,000 miles. The first fluid change on both had the most material in the oil. When I did the second time, things were much nicer. Both fluid changes are relatively cheap if you do them by yourself. The Motorcraft RDU fluid is ~$40/qt & Redline Lightweight Shockproof 75W140 is ~$25. Here's my thread on it, but I believe things are going to be slightly different on the ST.
  23. Nearly 13,000 (12,726) mile update. Fluid came out a nice light brown color. Magnet had some dark material on it (which still could have been leftovers from the first drain & fill), but the fluid wasn't nearly has nasty as the 1st time. I did by a cheap Amazon special nearly flat 3/8 wrench that made the job much easier. It was $10 so wasn't too bad. Cleaned off both plugs & refilled. Still had some left from the 1st time I did it as well as a full fresh quart. Nearly took all of the fresh quart, but she's clean & ready to go. I saw on the Maverick forums that they were changing theirs every 5,000 miles, which seems to be extreme, but maybe they haul more than me? Dunno. 'Cheap' insurance at ~$40 quart & 30 minutes of your time.
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