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About JohnCT

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  1. Thanks. That's what I thought. At least one. I would expect the first oil change on any new engine at less than 5K miles. If I bought it new, it would have had its first oil change at 1K miles but that's me. In any case, it was delivered with with the yellow warning message of oil life at zero percent (long story about the selling Ford dealer that's not really important). Interesting that in the "service history" (Fordpass app), it says the dealer serviced the vehicle for "scheduled maintenance" in April of this year. Not sure what he did. Thanks again. John
  2. Hi, my wife bought a 2023 Edge with 6100 miles on it Tuesday, and it was delivered with an oil change due warning (and four low tires and one missing tire valve cap). Yesterday, I did an oil change on the car and pulled out a FoMoCo oil filter. I'm trying to figure out if this car *ever* had an oil change or if the one I did was the first one. Do Ford dealers use these filters as service replacements, or is this the filter the car was originally shipped with? John
  3. My sister bought a new car but I'm going to replace the pump in my garage. My niece will take the car and use it for her last year of college. I have decided *against* changing the cam phasers but will replace the pump, guides, and tensioner. Does anyone have a list of parts that I will need such as gaskets etc? I imagine I'd need intake gaskets and valve cover gaskets, but wonder if I'm missing something. I'd like to order everything in advance before she brings it by. Thanks. John
  4. 160K miles and leaking coolant externally through the weep hole. NO coolant in oil yet so no longer using it. Is it OK to go through the effort to change the pump and not replace the timing chains/guides, etc.? My sister doesn't use the car all that much and it otherwise has had normal maintenance. Also, what would this cost to have done by a professional - I think this job is above my pay grade..
  5. What's frustrating is that Ford always manages to build some sort of time bomb in just about every vehicle they make, and it takes too long for them to fix it if ever. I called a buddy this morning who has an in at a Ford dealer, and he's going to try to get some information whether the converter and trans issues on these have been fixed. BTW, my son's 2019 Subaru Ascent spit the CVT out of warranty, but it turns out the warranty was extended supposedly from a class action suit, but in any case, the $8000 CVT job was done at no charge. I told my buddy if he does buy the Edge, unload it before the warranty is up. The car he's looking at is a Certified car, so it comes with an extended warranty. John
  6. I joined an Edge FB group, and there are several posts a day from people with torque converter issues either shudding or outright failures. Most of these seem to be affecting cars 2020 and earlier, so my question is whether Ford fixed the problem like they did with the coolant intrusion on 2018 and older 2.0 Ecos. I realize that cars newer than 2020 might still be in warranty so there might be less people complaining about them. I had an 09 and the only problem I had in 160K miles was a bad PTU, but my understanding is that the newer Edges don't use the same 6 speed as my 09 did. My buddy is looking at a 2.0L 2022 AWD and tends to keep cars for a long time so he's concerned. Thanks for any insight. John
  7. Thanks everyone. My buddy is going to pass on the Edge. He'd prefer a built in nav and I agree. I've never seen a phone work as well as a dedicated navigation unit. On my wife's old 2009 Edge, if a voice prompt wasn't heard or understood, a simple press of the button on the tuning knob made it repeat the message without taking eyes off the road, although I don't know if the new Sync 4A offers a physical button like the 09 Sync radio had. If someone else borrows the car they won't have a nav unless they know how to sync their phones to the car. In my case, I often forget to take my phone (I'm not a Borg and don't have a hive mind where I need the security of constant contact). John
  8. I *think* the answer is no, but I thought I'd ask. It's odd that Ford would not add a way for the dealer to upgrade an existing vehicle to navigation. My Mazdas always had a provision for adding satellite radio and navigation to cars already equipped with the LCD display. Second question - can a junk yard donor provide the equipment necessary? A friend is looking at a 2022 Edge that doesn't have nav, but has a huge Tesla sized screen. 2022 Edge display Thanks for any input. John
  9. The handle is fine, the latch is porked. I generally go with OEM but web searching suggests that these factory power latch assemblies are garbage (they even had a program on them which of course is now expired), so I ordered a Dorman. My long experience with Ford tells me they never fix a crappy system unless they can do it for no cost, and only upgrade on the new generation. I'll put the new latch in this week and report what's involved. John
  10. Pushing 3/4 does indeed unlock all the doors, but unlocking the other doors is not the problem - pushing the FOB unlock twice unlocks them anyway as you know. The problem is the driver's door won't open from the outside and getting to the inside latch is a problem from any other door. The left side back door is too far away from the driver's door latch to get it (I have the wingspan of a condor and I can barely reach it) and if you unlatch it from the pass side, there's a chance the door will relatch if the car is leaning slightly toward the left.. If the window went down it would really make this easy. In any case, I ordered a Dorman part and will replace it next week. John
  11. Thanks, I was hoping there was an Easter Egg hiding in a key press combination (perhaps there is still!). I'll play around with it tonight but I'm afraid you're correct. John
  12. Sorry if this is the wrong forum. I have to replace a defective door latch on my wife's 2009 Edge Limited because the door won't open from the outside. It's a couple hours worth of work and I won't have time this holiday week even if the part shows up before Christmas. Is there a feature on the '09 where the windows can be dropped either from the FOB or the keypayd? Crawling over the passenger seat is a pain in the butt for older folks.. Thanks. John
  13. Hi all, a 2009 Edge Limited driver door won't unlock. When either unlocked by the fob, keypad, or the interior button, the door lock stub pops up but then immediately drops back down (not sure if it's being actively pulled down). Right now, we have to climb in the passenger door and open it with the door handle (which works normally). Using the manual key, the door lock stub can be moved to the up position (and held up if necessary) which would seem to be unlocked, but the car still won't open from the outside. I've read that there are issues with these locks/latches but all the complaints I've seen have to do with a "door ajar" indicator issue, something this car strangely does not have. I have not seen this particular issue anywhere I looked on the web, including here of course. Before I order a power door lock/latch assy, is there something I overlooked? Second question - since these are known to be problematic, is there a preferred aftermarket part or should I put in a Ford part? John
  14. When my wife had an 09, her car did this. I found a bad outer tie rod on both sides. Changed them both and had it aligned. Problem gone. John
  15. Has anyone tried taking a long Torx tool like this one: .. and cutting it down behind the head to gain access to the fasteners behind the tone ring? Or, would this tool work for that purpose without relieving it behind the tip as is? Thanks. EDIT: I'm inclined to try to make this tool. Does anyone know how thin the "waist" behind the head needs to be? I don't want to make it too thin for obvious reasons but I also don't want to knacker the tone ring either... Thanks again. John
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