Hello, I am new to the site and cannot locate info on my SD issue. I have been getting the SD card fault that I have seen on other feeds "no SD card found" I can remove and reinsert and it will work but I am getting the error everytime I start my car. I have a used 2011 Ford Edge Sport that I have owned for a year with no issues until now. It has the SD nav A3 card.
I see where there other posts about a more recent A4 card. Will updating my version solve this problem? I have been to MyFord.com and it says that I have the latest version of software with my A3, However when I look for updates for the SD card for my 2011 vehicle it says there is an A7 card that is the most recent.
If the A4 is available how do I update if it is telling me that I have the latest version? The A4 doesn't show on the list for newer version either just the A7. If the A7 is available am I able to bypass all the older cards?
I have CCPU S/W version 4.26.12023 and map database version A3.
I apologize for all the questions and I appreciate any info you can give me.
Thank you,