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James Costa

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  1. Yes totally normal. The Ford app has to talk to the cloud service, which then needs to find your vehicle's cell connection, then issue the command... it takes a bit. The app isn't the fastest to load either.
  2. I see both sides of the coin. My old 2002 Explorer blasts oil everywhere including on some crossbars, annoying. All the years of cleaning up after that crap made me partial to keeping it clean.
  3. Thanks everyone for the great info. I'll pick up a 27mm socket. That drain valve looks pretty trick too.
  4. Thanks Ron. Amazon may be my best option. These filters are both uncased, I've never dealt with these before, only screw-on oil filters. Is there a trick to these? Do they just drop into the oil filter cylinder that I'll remove from the car?
  5. Hey all, What brand or model oil filter have you all been using when doing oil changes on your 2019 Edge ST? For some reason my local stores are not stocking anything that would appear to work with my car. My work schedule makes it difficult to pop by a Ford dealer when they are open for a Motorcraft part. If you have any information it might help me out, thanks. James
  6. It was a quick storm that came through! it was about 55F at my house when I drove up the hill, the temp at the snow line was 34F and it had just stopped coming down.
  7. Took the Edge up to some fresh powder yesterday! Wasn't too much, but all the other cars were definitely slip-sliding all over the place... we zipped right past them. After we parked Walter (car's name), my buddy and I hiked a short distance up a nearby trail. What a lovely afternoon it was. http://imgur.com/gallery/p1SMK
  8. This is interesting. I had (ordered) the dealer to throw in the all-weather floormats on my 2016 Edge, they didn't have them but they ordered them. The ones I have look just like this, except the driver side mat has a raised front side that goes up four or five inches to cover half the dead pedal and areas underneath the pedals. I wonder if the ones you have were a different set made for the 2015? Not sure why there would be such a drastic difference. I'll post up a photo soon.
  9. Stoner Invisible Glass works wonders ... and I can personally vouch for their Reach & Clean tool. It works great to get the excess water off my Edge's roof after a car wash.
  10. Yeah the temp. dropped to 98F today ... winter is coming!!! ^_^ 69F by Monday... I'll take it ...
  11. I don't know about you guys, but I am very excited to see winter approaching! Really excited to take my 16 Edge AWD up to the snow to romp around! Maybe get some camping in and hiking/backpacking, can't wait. I had been thinking about it lately with some of the other members discussing how well their Edge has handled in snow (and sand), and I love the way the Edge and even more specifically the AWD feel when you drive it.. I'm excited for the combination! Throw in those heated seats and we're golden ... :happy feet:
  12. I haven't seen anything of the sort in their menu system. If there is a control for it, it's external from the Settings menu.
  13. I am by no means an expert, but if the coolant reservoir is empty, you have a problem. Definitely don't drive it like that... If the head gasket was blown it could have sucked the coolant into the exhaust but you would have certainly seen an obvious performance problem (and probably some white smoke from the exhaust). It could also be a problem with a cracked or broken thermostat housing or hose, or a broken/unsealed radiator. I have seen those as common issues on other cars, not specific to the Edge. Less likely would be a secondary device that connects to the coolant lines, like the heater. As a quick check, you could fill your coolant tank with water and take a look underneath to see if you see any water spillage anywhere.
  14. Hi there, Sounds like you are talking about the backlight on the interior display, rather than the rear backup lighting itself. One thing I have noticed at night, when you have the headlights in Auto or On position, it will automatically dim the backlight of the interior display as it goes into Night mode, probably because the display is set to 'Auto' mode. On your Sync display, if you navigate to Settings > Display, there should be an option to change the screen backlighting to one of four options -- Off, Auto, Day, or Night. If you set it to Day, the screen will maintain at full brightness (which is what I suspect you are looking for), but be aware that the regular display screens will have the light 'Day' background as opposed to the black 'Night' mode one. If you are like me, you'll find the 'Day' mode to be extremely bright while driving at night, possibly even unsafe, so give it a shot and see what options you like. Hope this helps. J
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