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  1. Couple interesting bits of trivia about this process with the cooler installed on my unit. On my unit there is no drain plug - so - I am stuck with an extract and fill - as a jobber solution (cheaper) that doesn't follow the service procedure. OR According to the OE instructions - I remove and replace the cooler unit with a new one (service kit alone is ~$300 bucks) - then your looking at fluid and labor to remove a frame cross member to even be able to remove the cooler in the first place. I have no idea what the labor on that would be - I'm guessing expensive. All of this in order to do a proper spill and fill - because it doesn't have a drain plug.
  2. I actually just went in and checked that - it is in my profile. Maybe I need to add a custom signature or something.
  3. The Haz, the myth, the legend - Thank you again for helping the community Haz! I actually own the ST with the 2.7 and I have the aux cooler strapped on my ptu.
  4. I have no knowledge of which generation ptu ended up in my 2019, but it does ENRAGE me that FORD designed this GEAR BOX sans the drain plug to make it as difficult to service as possible. In addition to the heat soak with the position - the straight tiny quantity of lube keeping this thing alive is one of the problems. Ford Engineering: "Hey EVERYBODY! We've got this great idea to build a gear box without a way to change the lubricant. Isn't that a GREAT IDEA?!!" Everybody: Sound of crickets....
  5. TourGuide

    Timing job

    Does anyone know what the labor time would be to do a timing job on the 2019+ units? While they are in there for such a job I would of course also have the oil pump belt replaced.
  6. My 2019 does not have a drain plug (Thanks FORD) it has the cooler unit in it.
  7. The Amazon reviews cite several reports of seals being installed backwards on this unit causing leaks upon install. As promising as this unit looks - the current run of product seems to have problems - and in the review chain on Amazon - there is no response from Dorman. This kind of thing would create all sorts of chaos in the shop and for a customer. It also appears that for the 2019 and up - where the design changed - this product is not available.
  8. Yeah - the service records - that is one concern - the other to me is - 2 owners and the second owner was in it only 16 months. My spidey sense is activated on that. People who get into a car usually don't get out of it in that length of time for no reason.
  9. Yes - the collection of personal data is out of control and has been for some time. The patterns are just more obvious now that you can see how they are being utilized. This little news item did enrage me since the idea that my automobile could be participating in this practice is a new frontier.
  10. I ran across this article on the blog of malwarebytes - it actually popped into my email as I have a subscription - about Ford filing a patent application for an IN VEHICLE eavesdropping system that will serve you targeted advertising. Blog post linked here: https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2024/09/ford-seeks-patent-for-conversation-based-advertising I have to say - IF this system comes to Ford - I would never be interested in owning another one of their products ever again.
  11. A number of people have reported here that auto stop will quit working in that range but the vehicle starts and runs fine. When mine reached ~390 CCA I replaced the battery and all the function returned - including the controversial auto/start-stop.
  12. Oh come on now - you need to get to Albuquerque and you end up in Topika and you could call that an involuntary vacation!
  13. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&hps=1&start=1&q=magnuson-moss+act&ia=web
  14. I emptied my JL oil can yesterday after ~1500 miles and found it had about .25 to .5 ounce of oil in it. I'm glad it is working and that I saved that from going into the intake but I am also pretty sure I can safely empty it every time the oil is changed.
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