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About pilotdog68

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  1. Just FYI you should be able to find them at any hardware store or auto parts store. They're very common. Yes the t-taps are great because they should not damage the conductor itself, so if you accidentally tap the wrong wire just remove the tap and wrap it with electrical tape to seal it back up and you're fine.
  2. Where is that huge bundle of wires under the door sill going?I just assumed there was an auxiliary computer or something by the rear quarter panel that all the door sensors connect to, and then that computer tells the door alarm to sound, and the dome lights to come on, and the radio to shut off. And again, it may be a difference in model year or we may be talking about two different wires altogether. All I know for certain (and illustrated in my video) was that I found a green wire with purple stripe in that bundle, and grounding it fixed my problem.
  3. Maybe it varies by model year, but I definitely had to take off the sill trim to even be able to take off the kick panel and access and wire wrap. I just grabbed it by hand and lifted straight up and it pops off. Then when you put it back on take care to line up the clips with their slots. I also just used a t-tap in my fix and then my own wire to ground, because one end of that wire goes to the computer, and the other end goes to the switch in the latch, not directly to ground. You have to bypass the faulty switch by making your own connection to ground. (unless you were planning on using a different wire/solution than I did.)
  4. My installation is illustrated in post #11 if you wanted to compare, though it sounds like your reed switch is just sticky (or maybe you have some stray magnetism around it?). I harvested my switch from this model security alarm, which I just had sitting around. As I said, I haven't been having any issues with it. Although I'm annoyed my Edge had this problem in the first place, I'm quite happy with the fix. Edit: Looking back at your pictures, I think the magnet in the door speaker may be close enough to your reed switch to cause some issues.
  5. I'm not dbender, but I'll chime in. Mine was an '07 and the fix is working great. My magnets came unglued once and flipped themselves to a different part of the door, so I just glued them there and they have been fine since. The only downside is there's no warning if the door is mostly closed but not totally latched, mine starts chiming after the door is 2"+ open. That's not a problem for the drivers door, it's easy enough to tell by feel and sound. It could be an issue for the rear doors though.
  6. pilotdog68

    Ford Edge 2012

    I use 87 but avoid ethanol blends whenever I can.
  7. Just FYI there are a few threads here that give different ways to resolve the issue (other than taking it to the dealer). If you search just "door ajar" you'll find the threads. I'd post a link but I'm on my mobile
  8. Head rest angle? You use the headrests?
  9. I just signed up to report. Looks like a great service
  10. Man, that's pretty. I like the looks of that generation much better than the new ones. I wish I had a bigger budget when I bought mine, but I'm still happy with my 2007. congrats!
  11. I just thought it was a little strange to not have an indicator in the instrument panel. Every other car I've had always had an indicator up top.
  12. Is it the opposite on the 07-08's? I have the indicator next to the gear shift, but nothing up on the dash.
  13. I've read a lot of his posts, I've got my fingers crossed I'll get another reply from him/others. This forum is a little slower than a few others I'm on.
  14. The plot thickens! Also, my manual calls for Mercon V for tranny, but Mercon for steering. I know the Mercon V fluid was adapted or something so that Ford could discontinue the standard Mercon, but would I be better off with an aftermarket Mercon equivalent instead of Mercon V for the steering?
  15. Thanks for the reply 1. I've read many places that you should not immediately do a full tranny flush on a car that has never had one done (something about suspended particles actually being beneficial to clutch plates short-term, removing them could cause slipping). Do you not agree with this? I wouldn't take it to a shop anyways, so it would be multiple drain-and-fills. 2. So you're saying don't use the valvoline synthetic? The only reason I was considering it was because it does list Mercon V on the spec sheet, and I wasn't sure of the quality of SuperTech products. 3. Alright, I'll skip the Rotella. My thinking was just that the minuscule difference in density would be beneficial in the summer months. 4-6. Got any video tutorials on how to do these? Edit1: Looks like I can use a turkey baster for the power steering. I've done a brake bleed on my mtn bike before, but I'd be a little nervous about getting bubbles in my Edge. I'm in the Des Moines area
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