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Everything posted by outhere

  1. Attention News Editors: CEP Press Release CEP to Ford: let's talk! OAKVILLE, Sept. 26 /CNW Telbec/ - The Ontario head of the Union representing 16 striking Powerhouse and Water Treatment Operators at the Ford Motor Company's Oakville assembly plant says there is only one way for the company to resume normal production - start negotiating. "Ford thinks they can push our people around just because we're small in numbers," said Cec Makowski, Ontario Region Vice-President of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada. "But our members at Ford are not alone - they have the backing of all 150,000 CEP members from coast to coast -- and the sooner the company realizes that, the sooner we can start working towards a solution to this strike," Mr. Makowski said. CEP national representative Zoran Grgar said the company has failed to address the key issues of job security and pension funding in negotiation and mediation talks which have taken place since the workers' last collective agreement expired in November of 2005. CEP Local 2003 members struck at 12:01 a.m. Monday. "We have told Ford that, in our view, the way to build a secure future for our members and their families is to invest in a co-generation plant in Oakville. It makes sense economically and environmentally," Mr. Grgar said. Both union officials called upon Ford to return to the bargaining table and address the key issues. For further information: Zoran Grgar at (647) 219-1970 or Cec Makowski at (905) 371-6297
  2. Plant workers' strike disrupts Ford operations 17 Workers Idle Huge Ford Factory In Oakville Ford strike ties up QEW Strike slows Ford production some news links about the story
  3. CEP Union workers went on strike at 12:01 today, picket lines are at the enterance to Oakville Assembly Plant now, not sure if CAW members will cross the picket line. edit to ad CH News Hamilton just reported that CAW members are hounoring the picket line and OPP spokesperson states traffic back up on Royal Windsor Drive.
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