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Just wondering if anyone has had this happen to them… 2010 Edge. Sometimes when I get gas and I reset the two trip odometers (just a habit I’ve always done), “Trip A” and “Trip B”, and then leave the gas station, the trip meter will go back to the miles that were on it before I reset it. Distance seems to matter: The gas station I use the most is about 2 miles from home, and sometimes I stop at a grocery store that’s between the two. The trip meter will stay reset, but then sometimes when I start the car after leaving the store, it goes back to the miles from before I pumped the gas and reset the meter. If I reset the trip meters BEFORE I shut off the car at the pump, it almost always does it; but if I wait until I’m done pumping and then start the car again, it only does it sometimes. But then if I stop on the way home, it sometimes does it too. And the strangest of all is if I pump gas, reset the meters (and I make sure they’re at zero), go straight home, and then start the car the next morning to go to work, occasionally the meter goes back to the previous miles. It's not a big deal, and I probably don’t need to go see about getting it fixed. It’s just an odd thing, and more of an annoying inconvenience than a problem.
(My apologies if this has been covered in another thread; if it has, maybe someone can post the link here…?) 2010 Ford Edge with Sync, although I’m not sure what version; I don’t have the touchscreen, just the one with the digital display on the radio (even though the pictures in the car’s manual are of the touchscreen model). I want to be able to play music from my iPhone through the Bluetooth audio without the music playing on its own, i.e. Autoplay. I’ve done some research online and found out that this is apparently a known issue that goes back several years, although opinions on whose fault it is are divided: some say it’s an iPhone setting, some say it’s a problem with the Sync system. Anyway, this is what I’d like to do, if it’s possible: -The Bluetooth on my iPhone is turned on when I get in the car and start it, and I wait for the Bluetooth on the phone to connect with the car, which usually only takes a few seconds. -I change the source from FM (my default; I don’t have satellite radio right now) to AUX, and the display shows that the Bluetooth is connecting with the phone; “IPHONE” shows on the display after a few more seconds, and then “MEDIA STREAMING” shows. I have been using the “SYNC LINE IN” with an audio cable to hear the music, which works just fine; but I’d like to use the Bluetooth since I can control the pause, skip track, and all that with the controls on the steering wheel. -Once everything is connected, I go to the Music player on the phone, choose the music myself (as opposed to the random Autoplay), hit Play, and the music starts. As of right now, though, once it all connects, it automatically starts playing music, and it’s completely random as to what it plays; it’s not even the first track alphabetically in my library (which would at least make some sense) or anything like that. In my online research, I did find one page that someone had posted in the Apple discussions. It said that once the music starts playing on its own, go to the menu in the Sync system until you find the setting for “AUTOPLAY” and set that to “OFF”. I have tried that several times, and even though it says “AUTOPLAY OFF”, it still starts playing on its own. Now, if I’ve chosen the music myself, and I’m going somewhere and pause the music (or turn off the car; I discovered that), once I start the car again, the music resumes, but that’s the music I chose, not the Autoplay. I have looked in every setting I can think of on the iPhone, but nothing seems to be helpful. I’d also like to do this without any “workarounds”; I’m hoping just a setting or two will do the job. So, if anyone has suggestions or info, it’s appreciated.
CinnamonEdge, thanks so much for the terrific and informative video (and thanks to others for alternative lube and grease suggestions). I followed your instructions almost exactly, although after (I thought) I was done, I realized that I did not have the sunroof all the way open, only as far as it goes with the "one-touch". I felt like an idiot! It seemed to open and close a little better after I did it, though, but I do need to go do it again; I just haven't had a chance to. And now the middle of a heat wave doesn't really seem to be the best time to stand next to or over (with a stepladder) a hot car! I'll get back to it soon. But one unintended consequence I noticed a couple of days after I did it was the long rubber/plastic "accordion" pieces on the inside of the tracks and under the sunroof sometimes move back from where they pop in at the front when I open the sunroof, and they've also come detached from the track a couple of times. It's happened on both sides of the roof. And both problems are easily remedied; I just press the piece back onto the track, and I can slide it forward so it's back in place. But it's happened more than once since I cleaned and lubed the sunroof (so obviously I did something; it was in no way the fault of your video instructions). Have you, or anyone else, had this happen? And any ideas on how to prevent it? Thanks!
Only on the Internet can a discussion about waving from SUV's evolve into one about motorcycles...hehe...Don't have a bike myself, but maybe someday...
After continuing to see more and more Edges around, I've come to realize that they're getting to be almost as common as Explorers, or so it seems to me. I guess we're not as unique or "exclusive" as I originally thought, like Bug drivers used to be, for example. So no, I wouldn't think we'd wave to each other (still haven't done it or seen others do it).
I tried searching for a similar topic, but didn't see one, so my apologies if this has been covered. Anyway, with summer in full swing, I've noticed that the external temperature displayed in my 2010 Edge is usually a few degrees higher than the actual temp (reported by local news/weather or an app). I suppose that's pretty common, and my local news did a summer weather specal that covered it. It pretty much comes down to the placement of the external temp sensor, or, according to what I've found on the Edge, the "Ambient Air Temperature Sensor". As one might expect, the sensor picks up warmer air from the asphalt, if the sensor is down under the front bumper or something, or from the engine block, if it's close to that. So, my question is, where exactly is the sensor on a 2010 Edge Limited (not sure if that even matters for something like this)? From what I could find online (and I was surprised to find out that there wasn't much about the location), it's somewhere under the hood, maybe close to the driver's side. Any ideas? I tried looking in the manual, but I couldn't find the answer, although it did say that the external temp is more accurate when the car is moving, which I guess makes sense: If it's sitting still with the sun beating down, it's going to pick up that heat plus the heat coming from the road. Thanks in advance for any help or info...
There seems to be a lot more Edges on the road than before. Maybe it’s because I drive one now (I noticed them a lot before; one reason I looked for one before I was lucky enough to find mine), or maybe there’s just more being driven. Of course, I see a lot of Honda Odysseys, small Toyotas and other Hondas, and Mercedes and BMWs, and so on. I just notice the Edges too. Anyway, I was wondering if Edge drivers think of themselves as sort of a club, like when the new VW Bugs came out. If so, do Edge drivers acknowledge each other and give a little wave, like Bug or motorcycle drivers? I haven’t done it to other Edges, nor have I noticed it, but I was just wondering.
All I can say to myself is "DUH!" I should have realized that. Thank you so much for the help and the info, IWRBB! I'll make sure to do that next time I get gas...
My apologies if this has been covered in another thread, and I hope I'm posting in the right place: I've seen a few vehicles, like our 2013 Honda Odyssey, that have a place on the inside of the fuel door to hang the gas cap when it's removed to pump gas. I have a 2010 Edge Limited, and looking at the inside of the fuel door, there doesn't seem to be any way to hook the cap on the door. There is a small hook (see the pic below; the arrow points to the hook I'm talking about), but I don't know if that's for the cap. There's also a picture of the cap itself; is there supposed to be something in that area? So am I missing something? Was that year and model equipped with any kind of hook or tab for the gas cap? Since I'm the second owner, I suppose the fuel door could have been modified or replaced, or maybe a holder/hook was removed for some reason; but since I don't know what it's supposed to look like, I don't know if it's different. I tried to find a picture of the door online, with no luck, but some images of fuel doors on other Ford vehicles look like there's supposed to be something else on the door to hook the cap to, so that's why I'm thinking maybe it was removed on mine. And the manual wasn't any help; there are no pictures of the fuel door, at least none that I could find. Thanks in advance for any info...
I had meant to include this in my original post: I know people love their cars, and so sometimes to show their love and pride, they'll find a diecast model of their car to display somewhere. But not every car has a diecast version, and I didn't think there'd be much, if any, of the Edge. But I searched online for a diecast Edge, and surprisingly there are some. One seems to be from Ford dealers; maybe a display model that the dealers were getting rid of, so people were able to get their hands on them. On eBay those go for more than $100; I suppose die-hard collectors might go for that. But then I found a couple of different ones that are from one of the Daniel Craig James Bond movies, "Quantum of Solace", from 2008. (I guess it's not surprising, then, that there are collectible diecasts from a movie, especially a Bond film.) I've seen the movie a couple of times, but the last time was before I noticed the Edge around, so I didn't know it was in the movie, and I didn't remember many details of the movie itself. (As a side note, I've seen "Skyfall" several times; one of the best Bonds in years, IMHO. And "Spectre" was pretty good also.) Bond leaves the bad guy alone in the middle of the desert and drives off in one of his black Edges. Since the movie was released in 2008, it was probably filmed mostly in 2007, so I'm guessing the Edge in the movie is a 2007 or maybe 2008, if they were able to get ones early. There's a smaller, Hot Wheels-size version of the one from the movie that seems to be pretty hard to find. But then there's a 1:43 scale one that's pretty sharp looking, and I've found it for less than $30 (although it's pretty available on Amazon and eBay's UK sites). I'm hopng to order one soon so I'll have a mini version of my car. I included a pic below if anyone wants to see it.
Thank you so much, omar! That makes sense. I looked in my owner's manual (it's a used 2010, but the manual wasn't missing as they are sometimes in used cars), but I couldn't find it. I wasn't sure where to look in the index either. I would go out to get the manual to look now, but we're getting snow that's supposed to last all day so I'm not going out unless I have to...! But at least now I know what they're for.
I mentioned this in a post in the Welcome Forum, but not too many people may have read that, so I thought I'd ask about it here (I think this is the appropriate place anyway). This is my question: What is the purpose of the loops that are around the rear headrest guide posts? They're also attached to the rectangular plastic pieces that tuck inside the small pocket in the back of the seat. I posted a couple of pictures to show what I mean, but mine are unattached because I removed the headrests to install child carseats. My wife speculated that maybe the loops are a place to hang the headrests if they are removed since there's no storage in the vehicle for the headrests, but if they did hang I'd think they would just kind of flop around while driving. Any thoughts or ideas about them?
I said I'd post some pics, so here you go...It was sunny out when I took them (but cold as hell hehe), so there is some glare. Please don't mind the dust; there's still some salt and such on the roads around here from recent wintry weather, and I haven't gone to the car wash yet. And with my wife's car parked next to me (the minivan on the right; the Challenger on the left is the neighbor's), I could only get a couple of angles. I'm sure the interior is pretty standard for the 2010, so I didn't take any pics. Anyway, enjoy!
As many others have probably posted here, I am a recent Ford Edge owner. I had a 2002 Chrysler Sebring with over 125,000 miles, and the engine went. I had seen the Edge on the road and liked the look of it, and since I needed to find something to get around in, I started looking online for a used Edge. I was very lucky to find a 2010 Limited with only 45,000 miles, and once I saw the car itself, sat in it and took it for a drive, I knew there was no looking back. The one previous owner took excellent care of it. It's dark blue (my favorite color), it has the Panoramic Vista Sunroof, it's satellite radio capable, it has leather seats...lots of neat stuff. There are a few minor dings and scratches, but those are just cosmetic; as long as they don't affect the mechanics of the car itself, I don't care. I'll try to take some pictures soon to post here. So now, for the first time in my life I can honestly say that I love my car! I keep asking my wife if we need anything from the store just to have an excuse to go out and drive it...hehe... I've had some questions about some things in the car, and a few Google searches have yielded some really helpful results, including a few posts here. But there's one thing I'm wondering about, and I'm not sure the best way to search for it. So if it's okay, maybe someone might be able to answer a question: I put my kids' carseats in today, so I took the rear headrests out (I found out how to do that right here in these forums, so thanks!). I pointed out to my wife the little loops, with the plastic piece in the small pocket in the back of the seat, that are hooked around the outside posts of the headrests. We both wondered what exactly those loops are for: If you take the headrests out, are the loops there to hang the headrests on, since there really isn't any storage for them? But then the headrests would flop around while you're driving. Thanks in advance for any info. Anyway, I hope I can exchange helpful information with fellow Edge drivers!