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Bill Wimsatt

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Everything posted by Bill Wimsatt

  1. I've owned my 2015 Edge Sport since 2/16. For the most part, it's been a great vehicle to drive, but I have to say that I've never had a car break down like this. At 60k miles, a gasket gave out around 3 of my cylinders, allowing coolant to get inside of them, resulting in a complete rebuild of the top part of the motor. This took my local dealer almost 2 months to resolve and thankfully, I bought the 100k service plan to cover this. Just last week, I was driving on the highway (where I do most of my driving) and the transmission gave out (at 93k miles!) The service department had their transmission specialist look it over and they told me that it would require replacement. I'm just about through my service plan (it expires next month) and I find myself having to buy another plan because I just don't trust the car to hold up for the duration of my loan. I was wondering if anyone has (had) a similar experience with their Edge and what came of it. I don't treat this car rough, it is serviced regularly, and it has only been serviced by Ford at this point. I also would like to know if anyone has bought an extended service plan, who with, would you recommend them, and what you paid for it. Thank you.
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